

摘    要





关键词: Gen服饰,营销管理,营销策略,营销组合


Gen clothing company marketing strategy management research






Along with our country economy level rising, household income rising, people wearing the needs and tastes of the more diversified, this no doubt to the domestic garment enterprises has brought great opportunities for development. However, along with the clothing enterprises such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain like emerge, the clothing market competition is becoming increasingly fierce. At the same time, many domestic clothing company remains extensive processing production stage, the theoretical analysis and research, the system lacks the scientific aspects of marketing. Therefore, the garment enterprises to seize the current opportunity, to develop a suitable for the development of enterprise marketing strategy, and strengthen the effective implementation of marketing strategy. Undoubtedly, the current for clothing enterprise marketing strategy has great theoretical and practical significance to study and explore the God domain. Based on the management of marketing strategy , Gen clothing company as the research object. Starting from the Gen clothing marketing environment and marketing strategy perspective, in-depth analysis of the current marketing situation analysis of Gen clothing company, and in the analysis of the marketing mix strategies, and points out that Gen dress in product strategy, channel strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy appear problem, aiming at shortcomings in existing Gen dress, puts forward the rationalization proposal.


KEYWORDSGen Clothing Company,Marketing Management,Marketing Strategy,Marketing Mix


目    录


1 绪论……………………………………………………. 1

1.1 研究的背景………………………………………. 1

1.2 研究目的和意义…………………………………… 1

1.3 研究的方法………………………………………. 2

1.3.1 文献研究法…………………………………. 2

1.3.2 案例分析法…………………………………. 2

1.3.3 理论与实际结合的方法………………………… 2

2 文献综述………………………………………………… 3

2.1 国内服饰公司营销策略管理现状和发展趋势……………… 3

2.2 营销管理的概念…………………………………… 3

2.3 营销管理相关理论…………………………………. 4

2.3.1 市场营销和市场营销组合的理论…………………. 4

2.3.2 营销策略理论……………………………….. 5

3 Gen服饰公司营销策略管理现状及问题……………………….. 7

3.1 Gen服饰公司的简介………………………………… 7

3.2 Gen服饰公司营销策略管理现状……………………….. 8

3.2.1 品牌市场定位模糊……………………………. 8

3.2.2 产品组合不完善……………………………… 9

4 Gen服饰公司营销策略的改进措施…………………………… 10

4.1 细分市场,明确品牌的市场定位……………………… 10

4.1.1 市场细分………………………………….. 10

4.1.2 目标市场的选择…………………………….. 10

4.1.3 市场的定位………………………………… 10

4.2 扩大产品组合,优化产品结构……………………….. 11

4.3 采取科学的定价策略,完善价格机制………………….. 12

4.4 完善促销策略,增加广告投入……………………….. 13

5 Gen服饰公司营销策略的实施保障…………………………… 14

5.1 加强营销队伍建设………………………………… 14

5.2 加强售后服务……………………………………. 14

参考文献…………………………………………………. 15

    …………………………………………………. 16


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