目  录


摘要. 1


绪论. 3

第一章:VI概述与设计内容分析. 3

1.1 VI元素释义:. 3

1.2 VI设计的基本内容:. 4

第二章: VI 元素的变化运用. 6

2.1标示与符号. 6

2.2标准字体与辅助字体. 7

2.2.1与众不同. 8

2.2.2 体现个性. 8

2.2.3协调一致. 9

2.3标准色与辅助色. 9

2.3.1 标准色. 9

2.3.2 辅助色. 9

第三章:VI元素针对不同活动与场景的变化运用. 10

3.1 “静态”与“动态”. 10

3.2 “规范性”与“不规范性”. 12

3.3   “同一性”与“独特性”. 13

3.4“单一化”与“多元化”. 16

第四章:前景与发展. 17

第五章 结束总结. 19

致谢. 19

参考文献:. 19








关键词: VI设计;活动;应用;变化





VI taking marking, standard characters, color as the core of the complete, system of visual expression system the concept of enterprise, enterprise culture, service content, the enterprise standard abstract concepts into specific memory and identifiable image symbol, in order to create exclusive corporate image .VI design, called the” visual image recognition system design”, divided into corporate image design and brand image design, small and medium enterprises or without its own brand enterprises basically are to become the. VI design, is the enterprise brand tree must be the basis for the work done. It makes the image of enterprise highly unified, make the enterprise visual communication make full use of resources, to achieve the ideal brand communication.

Nowadays, VI design is becoming more and more diversified and personalized, appeared more and more design concept and design style, which is on the VI elements on the environmental adaptability of a challenge, the VI element is VI logo elements, VI design can not be separated from the external environment and exist alone, it must and the integration of environmental, use of the various elements change and form to reflect the enterprise or product characteristics, its effect is better.


Key words: VI design; activity; application; change



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