The Design of Class-Style Website Based on JSP
The website of class-style is used to rationalize the use of network resources, provide learning and communication, and effectively manage the classes’ affairs. This website is completed based on the B/S mode, with myeclipse integrated development environment and JSP language. This website is consisted of the user module, the online forum, album-style, guest-book module and the management module. The user module is consisted of user’s registration, login and the personal information. The online-forum is used for the communication. The album-style contains picture up-loading and online browsing. The guest-book module accomplishes the online leaving messages. The user management module can accomplish the forum management, album management and guest-book management. This website is to promote the communication during the students in class learning and is achieved free access to users for learning mutually, and increases class cohesion.
Key words: website; B/S mode; JSP
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