Scientific management methods can help enterprises in the fierce competition to maintain a leading position, since the inception of the balanced scorecard, with its excellent idea and in many of the world’s big company successfully introduced experience, in twentieth Century to become the greatest management tool. The Balanced Scorecard through financial, customer, internal business processes and learning and growth in four dimensions the enterprise strategic target and performance management, not only scientific measure of enterprise performance level, also sought to evaluate the performance of employees, in order to establish the enterprise strategy performance evaluation system based on. This article is from the Yunnan UniCom company’s actual situation, discusses how to construct the staff performance appraisal system, analysis of the process in the problem of existence and countermeasure.
Key words: Performance management; BSC; Yunnan UniCom
目 录
(二)BSC的四个维度及其相互关系………………………….. 3
二、我国企业绩效管理的现状………………………………….. 5
(一)目标管理法(MBO)……………………………………. 5
(二)关键绩效指标法(KPI)………………………………… 5
三、云南联通公司平衡计分卡在绩效管理中的运用………………….. 6
(二)云南联通公司绩效管理的现状分析………………………. 6
(三)云南联通公司绩效管理存在的问题………………………. 8
四 基于云南联通公司平衡计分卡运用中的不足给出的建议与意见…….. 10
(二)平衡计分卡指标系统与企业原有指标系统的协调与重整……… 10