摘  要





关键词:存货管理  库存水平  实时动态监控






Enterprise inventory management issues

——Hebei Hangxiao Steel Co., Ltd., for example




Inventory held to meet the enterprises’ normal production and sales of liquid assets is an important economic resources can bring economic benefits will flow to the enterprise. At present, China’s corporate stock funds accounted for about 20% – 30% of the total funds, and even some companies (such as real estate class enterprises) the rate of more than 50%, which determines the corporate stock fund management in the entire funds flow management plays a vital role; also shows that stock funds precipitation phenomenon is more serious and widespread, an increase of the enterprise funds use costs and inventory risk costs.

In this paper, the actual investigation, inquiry, observation and other methods to understand the status of the enterprise level of inventory management and inventory quality, inventory management problem, to find out the cause of the problem of inventory management, and further analysis of the factors that affect inventory management. Inventory management, analysis and research, designed to strengthen the enterprise inventory management, to ensure the safety of business inventory funding, to maintain a virtuous cycle of funds will continue to improve inventory turnover, reduce the cost of the use of funds and inventory devaluation risk of loss, improve inventory efficiency in the use of funds and efficiency to achieve the value-added funds in the link, to enable enterprises to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace, and seek further development.


Key words: Inventory management  Inventory levels  Real-time dynamic monitoring




目  录


第1章 绪论…. 1

1.1选题背景…. 1

1.2研究目的…. 2

1.3文献综述…. 2

1.3.1国外存货管理研究的文献回顾…. 2

1.3.2国内存货管理研究的文献回顾…. 4

第2章 存货管理相关理论…. 6

2.1存货管理的概念…. 6

2.2存货管理制度…. 7

2.3存货管理的方法…. 7

2.3.1传统库存管理方式…. 7

2.3.2联合库存管理方法…. 7

2.3.3供应商管理库存方法…. 8

2.3.4协同式供应链库存管理方法…. 8

2.3.5存货管理在企业经营管理中的重要性…. 8

第3章 河北杭萧钢构有限公司存货管理现状的分析…. 9

3.1河北杭萧钢构有限公司背景…. 9

3.2河北杭萧钢构有限公司存货管理模式…. 10

3.3河北杭萧钢构有限公司存货管理存在的问题…. 10

3.3.1对存货管理制度执行力度不够…. 10

3.3.2 存货管理混乱,导致账实不符…. 10

3.3.3 未能充分利用第三方的物流管理…. 11

3.3.4 供销人员专业技术知识缺乏…. 11

第四章 河北杭萧钢构有限公司存货管理优化的方案…. 11

4.1建立科学高效的存货管理制度…. 11

4.2加强企业存货循环的内部监督和控制…. 12

4.3利用第三方物流…. 12

结  论…. 13

参考文献…. 14

致  谢…. 15


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