摘 要
As China’s economic system reform deepening, the medium and small enterprises in China has grown to promote the economic growth in China’s important strength and absorbing surplus labor in the important channel, is cannot be neglected in the economic development of the important component. However, in the process of enterprise development the most indispensable factors of production of “money”, has been plagued by small and medium-sized enterprise bigger and stronger. Small and medium-sized enterprise own problems and external environment problems, leading to the small and medium enterprise financing difficulties, and restricted the development of small and medium businesses, solve the sme financing is imminent.
This article from the financing for small businesses, discusses enterprise financing difficulties of the various reason. Through a series of investigation and study, understand enterprise financing difficulties of external causes, internal reasons, and listed some concrete measures, such as strengthening small and medium-sized enterprise is credit consciousness, improve credit status, a sound financial laws and regulations system and improve the market economy system, to help small and medium-sized enterprises to solve the problem of financing.
Key words:Small business; Financing difficulty; External environment; Internal environment; Influence; countermeasures
目 录
2.2.1 融资成本急剧上升,使企业的经营“雪上加霜”…….. 2
2.2.2 融资渠道严重受阻,加剧企业的经营风险和信用风险…….. 2
2.2.3 宏观政策的实施加大了融资难度,使企业经营成本急速攀升 2
3.1.1 金融资源分布与中小企业布局不匹配,政策力度不强…….. 4
3.1.2 资本市场不发达,多层次资本市场尚未形成,内部融资与外部融资比例不协调…….. 4
3.1.3 银行金融机构的运作机制约束中小企业融资…….. 5
3.2.1 中小企业自有资金的不足,自我积累有限…….. 6
3.2.2 担保规模小、风险分散与补偿制度缺乏,与企业信用能力提升的需求不适应…….. 6
3.2.3 中小企业融资能力弱、信息不对称,影响银行的积极性…….. 7
3.2.4 中小企业人才匮乏,领导者素质不高,缺乏现代的管理理念和领导力…….. 7