135jsp 毕业生离校录像mysql




在这个系统中我综合应用了MySQL、S2SH、JSP等知识。网页界面的结构设计以实用性出发,具有易于操作、简洁、方便等特点。在设计中,首先,运用HTML语言对网站的静态页面进行精细的加工并且在网站的美工方面取得了良好的效果。其次,对于Java编程、JSP的动态编程以及SQL Server 2005数据库进行努力学习和大量实践,并运用到了网站的建设中。



关键字  毕业生管理、JSP、MySQL、MyEclipse



As the university continues to expand the scale, the annual number of graduates increases rapidly, all kinds of information about students also doubled. Face the huge amount of information, it is necessary to develop a student graduation management system to improve the efficiency of the students management work. Through this system, information can be standardized management, scientific statistics and rapid inquiry, thus reduced management aspect work load. Design and implementation of the graduates system based on JSP, it demonstrates the close link between the Internet and social life.

In this system the integrated application of MySQL, S2SH, JSP knowledge. Structure design of webpage interface to practicality, has the characteristics of easy operation, simple, convenient. In the design, first of all, has obtained the good effect of art using the static page HTML language on the website of the fine processing and in site. Secondly, to learn and practice a lot for dynamic programming Java programming, JSP and SQL Server 2005 database, and applied to the construction of the site.

In this paper, a detailed and comprehensive discussion on the management system of leavers. Users to access the system is divided into two roles of administrators and students, the realization of the 2 character has a plurality of functions. The main functions of the system administrator : class management, student management, process management, School of arrearage information management and school information is added; the main function of students are: query school process, query I arrearage information.



Key Words  The graduate management, JSP, MySQL, MyEclipse




目  录




1  系统概述与技术介绍

1.1  BS结构介绍

1.2  SQL Server数据库

1.3  MyEclipse介绍

1.4  JavaScrip语言

1.5  JSP技术

1.6  MVC模式

2  系统需求分析

2.1  开发环境

2.2  需求分析

2.3  可行性分析

3  系统概要设计

3.1  系统设计概述

3.2  系统用例图

3.3  系统流程图

3.4  系统功能分析

4  数据库设计与实现

4.1  数据库结构设计

4.1.1  表概要说明

4.1.2  数据表的结构

5  系统的实现

5.5 系统登录功能实现

5.1 管理员模块设计

5.1.1  班级信息管理

5.1.2  学生信息管理

5.1.3  离校流程管理

5.1.4  欠费信息管理

5.1.5  离校信息添加

5.2 学生模块设计

5.2.1  离校流程查看

5.2.2  欠费信息查询

5.8 退出后台管理

6  系统测试

4.1  测试方法

4.2  系统测试结果





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