Abstract……………………………………………………… 2
一、 中学语文教学中师生关系的概况……………………………….. 3
(一) 中学语文教学中师生关系的特点…………………………… 3
(二)中学语文教学中师生关系研究的现状………………………… 4
1.在语文教师的教学中与学生的关系严厉化…………………….. 4
2.在语文的教学中老师和学生的关系疏离化…………………….. 4
二、语文课堂中和谐教学的功能……………………………………. 5
(一)促进学生个体全面和谐的发展……………………………… 6
(二)培养学生良好的社会素质…………………………………. 6
(三)策励语文教学动力,调动师生双方的积极性…………………… 6
三、怎样构建中学语文教学中和谐的师生关系…………………………. 6
(一)设计准确和谐的语文教学内容……………………………… 6
(二)注意选择发展性语文教学评价………………………………… 7
摘要: 和谐教学主要是通过科学艺术的教学手段,让学生在愉快和谐的气氛中学习,大幅度提高课堂教学效果,减轻学生负担,促使学生在德、智、体等方面得到全面和谐的发展。在和谐的语文课堂教学中,充分发挥教师、学生、教法、教材、教学目标等环节之间的和谐关系及作用,以促进学生个体的身心全面和谐的发展,这才是我们所提倡的和谐教学的最终目标。因此可以说良性健康的中学语文课堂教学实质就是和谐的教学,和谐教学是中学语文课堂教学的灵魂,中学语文课堂教学是和谐教学的外在表现形式。
关键词:和谐 师生关系 模式 策略
Abstract:Harmonious teaching is mainly through the science and art of teaching methods, students in a pleasant and harmonious atmosphere of learning, greatly improving the effect of classroom teaching, to relieve the burden of students, make students in moral, intellectual, physical and other aspects of comprehensive and harmonious development. On Harmonious Language in classroom teaching, give full play to teachers, students, teaching materials, teaching methods, teaching objectives link between harmonious relationship and action, so as to make students all-round and harmonious development, this is we are advocating the harmonious teaching goal. So we can say that the benign and healthy middle school Chinese language teaching is the essence of harmonious education, harmonious education is the soul of Chinese teaching in the middle school, the middle school Chinese teaching is the external manifestation of harmonious teaching.
Key words: harmonious teacher-student relationship model strategy