211 ne公交IC乘车卡管理系统bysjkf录像






关键词 :公交IC乘车卡充值;管理信息系统;数据库设计;





The management information system of employee is a typical MIS. It is developed according to company management expectancy and mode to employee. It has realized the effective management of employee’s basic information; maintenance of system; position change information; rewards and punishments information; Inspection information; salary information, including the modules of these. It is in order to meet the demands of the management of company division and then to improve working efficiency.

The management information system of employee is base on C/S configuration, including setting up and maintenance of background database, and development of foreground applications.difficulties involve conversion of function; authority divide; backup of data and recover of database. The operating system is Windows,The batabase is MS SQL Server 2000 and the program is Delphi 6.0.

This thesis introduces the whole course of designing the management information system of students. It is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter introduces the background, far-reaching meaning and goals. the second and third chapter carry on analysis of demand and need. The fourth chapter introduces the overall design of the whole system .The fifth chapter, there is a detailed design of storehouse of datum to the system. The sixth and seventh chapter carry on the detailed design to the system finally according to the overall thinking designed. The eighth chapter carries on testing to system. The ninth chapter carries on sum-up to system.


Key wordsBase on C/S Configuration;The Database Designed;Dackup of data and recover of database;Management Information System



目 录

第1章 前 

1.1 管理系统背景

1.2 社会需求情况及设计意义

1.3 系统所要达到的目标及结论

第2章 可行性分析

2.1 可行性分析目的及要求

2.1.1 可行性分析目的

2.1.2 可行性研究的要求

2.2 软件配置

2.2.1 开发工具

2.2.2 .1ASP.NET简介

2.2.3 .2 SQL Server 2000特点介绍

2.2.4 开发环境

第3章 需求分析

3.1 对系统的综合要求

3.2 数据流图

3.3 数据字典

第4章 概要设计

4.1 系统结构

第5章 数据库设计

5.1 概念设计

5.2 逻辑设计

5.2.1 逻辑结构设计原理介绍

5.2.2 数据表的建立

5.3 物理设计

5.3.1 设计原理

5.3.2 系统的设计方案

5.3.3 存取方法

第6章 详细设计

6.1 系统工作流程图

6.2 登录模块流程图

6.3 查询功能工作流程图

6.4 删除功能工作流程图

6.5 系统维护模块流程图

第7章 系统实现

7.1 登录模块设计

7.2 管理员登陆后的界面

7.2.1 帐户管理

7.2.2 帐务统计

7.2.3 充值记录管理

7.3 会员登陆后界面

7.3.1 交易管理

7.3.2 消费记录管理

第8章 调试

8.1 测试的方法

8.2 可用性测试

8.3 测试项目

8.3.1 测试项目说明

第9章 总结





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