

[摘要]  职场性骚扰是侵犯人的权利和尊严、妨碍两性平等与和谐的行为,是全球职业领域的普遍现象,已经成为危害当今社会的一大毒瘤。迄今为止,多数国家已通过专门立法或某种涵盖职场性骚扰的立法形式来规范该行为。从这一视角出发,通过对职场性骚扰的若干问题规制研究,并对一此问题提出一些完善的建议,以期望对此类案件的防治提供一点有用意见的驱动下,本文通过对职场性骚扰的相关概念进行阐述,然后总结了国外防治职场性骚扰的法律防治经验、及我国职场性骚扰法律法规的现状及存在问题。结合国内外立法现状提出针对我国职场性骚扰法律问题的对策。


[关键词] 职场  性骚扰  防治



On the legal prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace


[Abstract]  Sexual harassment in the workplace is a violation of human rights and dignity, hinder gender equality and harmonious actions, is a common phenomenon in the field of occupation hazards nowadays, has become one big cancer of the society. To date, most states have passed legislation or a covering workplace sexual harassment legislation to regulate the behavior of. From this angle, through to the sexual harassment in the workplace issues regulations on this problem, and to put forward some suggestions, in order to expect to such cases and provide some useful opinions under the drive of sexual harassment in the workplace, this paper expounds the concepts, and then summarizes the foreign control of sexual harassment in the workplace legal prevention and control experience, and our workplace sexual harassment laws and regulations of the current situation and existence problem. The combination of domestic and foreign legislative status quo in our workplace sexual harassment legal problems countermeasures.


[Keywords] workplace sexual  harassment  prevention;




目 录



引 言














结 论




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