摘 要
This article distinguishes VI Visual Identity by the vision,the business name or the brand typeface personalization visionmanifestation principle of design is a breakthrough point, how byobtains the writing the visual language personalization compatibleand gathers in the visual recognition launches the elaboration, hasanalyzed the writing and the standard character creativity concretemanifestation skilland the individuality original ; Emphasized thestandard character vision recognition personalization and thevisual recognition practical application relations, pointed out thestandard character personalization performance must pay attentionto its own performance connotation, the side can display its visualrecognition image effectively the function.
【Keywords】VI design; standard font; creative design
目 录
1.1 VI中标准字体的概念…………………………………………………1
1.2 VI中标准字体的范畴…………………………………………………1
第2章 VI中标准字体的创意原则
2.1 VI中标准字体的创意…………………………………………………2
2.2 VI中标准字体的原则………………………………………………3
第3章 VI中标准字体创意方法
第4章 毕业设计中标准字体创意分析
4.1 毕业设计的作品……………………………………………………5
4.2 毕业设计中字体创意与分析………………………………………6
参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………… 7
附 录 ………………………………………………………………………8
致 谢 ………………………………………………………………………9