旅游作为一种社会文化活动,对于人类文化传播起着积极的作用。旅游文化是旅游业的灵魂。随着对外交往的日益频繁,跨国旅游 —— 一种典型的跨文化交际活动,已经成为一种了解异国文化的方式而受到越来越多的人的青睐。只有做到具备跨文化交际的意识、通过调查文化的异域性寻求交际行为在跨文化条件下的兼容性以准确地传达文化信息,才能使外国游客更为全面地了解中国旅游景观中的文化底蕴。然而,由于各方面文化因素存在的差异性导致了异族文化人群之间的交流与沟通出现了一系列障碍。


















As a sort of social and cultural activity, tourism has been playing an active role in dissemination of human cultures. Tourism culture is thus deemed as the soul of tourist industry. With the increasing exchanges with the outside world, transnational tourism, a typical form of cross-cultural communications has become more and more popular to make acquainted with alien cultures. Only do we possess the cross-cultural awareness by exploring the regional features of diversified cultures and seeking the compatibility in the cross-cultural environment for the sake of accurately delivering cultural message can we make overseas travelers better understand the depth of the cultural connotations comprised in Chinese scenic splendor. Nevertheless, due to the disparities in different cultures, a series of barriers may occur between those alien cultural communities in the process of communication.

This paper mainly focuses on the features of both Chinese and Western tourism cultures and the causes of their differences. Chinese tourism culture is static and passive while Western Culture is dynamic and active. The main reasons for this are due to the cultural differences between Chinese and Westerners in view of thinking modes, moral sense, aesthetic psychology, customs and conventions, historic connotations, religious beliefs, and so on. Because of those cultural differences, many problems arise, such as the cultural conflicts, cultural prejudices and communication barriers between different peoples. This paper attempts to put forward some strategic solutions to better promote communications and developments among various cultural communities by elaborating on some specific issues in this regard.

Keywordstourism; culture; communication; differences; barriers; solutions




Introduction…………………………………………………………………. ………….1

1 An Overview of Tourism…………………………………………………………. .2

1.1 The Development of World–wide Tourism………………………………. .2

1.2 The Development of Chinese Tourism…………………………………….. .2

2 A Survey of Tourism Culture…………………………………………………… .3

2.1 Definition of Tourism Culture……………………………………………….. ..4

2.2 The Significance of Exploring Tourism Culture………………………. ..6

3 Differences between Chinese and Western Tourism Cultures….…7

3.1 Various Features of Sino-western Tourism Cultures…………………. 8

3.2 Factors Causing Differences in Tourism Cultures …………………..10

3.2.1 Differences in Psychological Motivations…………………………………..…….10

3.2.2 Differences in Customs and Conventions…………………………………….….11

3.2.3 Differences in Ethic and Religious Beliefs………………………………..…..….11

4 Tentative Solutions to Problems in Sino-western Tourism….……12

4.1 Potential Problems in Communications…………………………………. .12

4.2 Solutions to These Problems………………………………………………… .14

4.2.1 Knowing the Differences of Cultures…………………………………………….14

4.2.2 Adopting an Impartial Attitude……………………………………………..……15

4.2.3 Trying to Make Cultural Adaptations…………………………………….……..16

4.2.4 Cultivating the Cross-cultural Awareness……………………………………….16

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………. .18

Bibliography……………………………………………………………………………. .19


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