Chapter One Miles Franklin and her My Brilliant Career 2
1.1 Miles Franklin and her major works. 2
1.2 My Brilliant Career, the author’s first novel 5
Chapter Two An Analysis of Sybylla’s Characters 8
2.1 An Independent and Rebellious Figure. 10
2.1.1 Her Rebellion against the Family. 10
2.1.2 Her Struggle Against the Environment 11
2.1.3 Her Rebellion against the Conventional Concept of Marriage. 15
2.2 A girl of distorted character. 17
3.1 Some general features of women characters in English Literature. 26
3.2 A comparison between Sybylla and Jane Eyre. 28
3.3 A comparison between Sybylla and Elizabeth. 32
In the last two hundred years and more, western women writers have never ceased to fight for their own right, which has found its expression in such literary images as Jane Eyre, Elizabeth, Tess, to name but a few. Sybylla in Miles Franklin’s My Brilliant Career is totally different from the traditional women images in western literature. Her complicated character accounts for her behaviour of independence and rebellion, and also excites the deep compassion from readers. The unique features of the novel and the author’s interesting writing background have motivated me forwards further pursuit of the debated Australian writer and her well-received novel.
The first part of this thesis introduces the social background of the topic. It is followed by three chapters, the first one of which is about Miles Franklin and her major works, especially My Brilliant Career. The second chapter is an analysis of Sybylla’s character. And the third one is a comparison between Sybylla and some western classic women characters. The last part is the conclusion.