This thesis analyses the traditional funeral customs between China and America, focusing on the disparities and the similarities between them. Every culture, irrespective of their origin, has its own distinct set of customs, traditions and etiquettes, which is regarded as a distinguished feature of each culture. Yet at the same time, some common grounds are always found in two different cultures. It is true with Chinese and American culture. As part of a culture, the traditional funeral customs between China and America share some common characters while there are obvious disparities existing there.
Due to different cultures, China and America may have different way of thinking which is embodied from respective customs, traditions and etiquettes. More specifically, the cultural backgrounds and individual judgment of conviction heavily influence the decision-making process of the funeral etiquettes of different countries. Funeral customs are cultural history themselves. No matter what kind of cultural origin it is from, funeral will be a must thing in people’s lives. For the important status of funeral, people in China and America all pay great respect to funeral; this is particularly reflected in the funeral customs. However, traditional Chinese and American funeral customs differ from each other by the following aspects: first, the arrangement and preparation in the funeral; second, the dressing colors; third, the connection of religious belief and funeral place. The traditional funeral customs are changing and keeping up with the culture life level, but they will not change the fundamental part that is based on tradition and that is suitable for native nation.
Key Words: traditional funeral customs common character of cultures disparity of cultures religious impact
摘 要
关键词: 传统葬礼 文化共性 文化差异性 宗教影响
Abstract (English)………………………………………………..………..……………ii
Abstract (Chinese)……………………………………………………..……..……… iv
- Introduction………………………………………………………………………….1
- The traditional funeral customs of China and America……………………….…….2
2.1 The traditional funeral customs in China……………..…………………………2
2.2 The traditional funeral customs in America..……………………………………4
- Similarities of traditional Chinese and American funeral customs………. ………..6
3.1 The respect and prayer for the departed saint…..…………………….………….6
3.2 The involvement of family and community..…………………….……………..8
3.3 Drive away evil spirits…………………………………………………………..9
- Differences of traditional Chinese and American funeral customs…..…………….10
4.1 The arragement and preparation…….………………………….……………….11
4.2 The dressing colors…………………………………………………………….12
4.3 The funeral place and religious belief…………………………………………13
- Culture differences on China and American funerals……………………………..15
5.1 Differences in religious culture………………………………………………..16
5.2 Differences in ethics culture……………………………………………………17
5.3 Differences in color culture……………………………………………………18
- Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………18