
Advertising is something that we are all exposed to everyday. It is also something that is likely to affect us in a number of different spheres of our lives. Advertising takes many forms, in most of which, however, language is of crucial importance. To sell commodities or increase sales is the ultimate goal of advertising, which decides that its language should be simple and sweet. Thus a comprehensive analysis on the linguistic features of advertising English is worthwhile.

The whole paper is divided into six chapters.

The first chapter is an introduction of the study background as well as the methods of research employed in this paper.

The second chapter traces back the origin of advertising and covers the definitions, classifications, functions, objectives, elements and the KISS rule of advertising.

The following three chapters respectively analyze the lexical, syntactic, and rhetoric features of advertising English. It is based on the employment of various devices under these features that the KISS rule is effectively applied to advertising.

The third chapter is a description of the lexical features of advertising English, including the utilization of monosyllabic, laudatory and comparative adjectives, monosyllable and forceful verbs, refined nouns, pronouns, compounds and intentionally misspelled words. The appropriate wording is conducive to catching the public’s attention, arousing their curiosity, and eventually building up in their mind a good image of the advertised product and producer alike.

The fourth chapter describes the syntactic features of advertising English. A lot of imperative and interrogative sentences and minor clauses are used in advertising English, so that English advertisements are made simple, direct, persuasive and more readable. As a result, the advertising message can be conveyed to the audience more powerfully and vividly.

In the fifth chapter, the writer explores the characteristics of the rhetorical devices in advertising at the phonetic, lexical and syntactical levels and tries to find out how the persuasive effect of advertisements is achieved.

The last chapter, the conclusion, briefly describes how the KISS rule can be effectively applied to advertising English by means of lexical, syntactic and rhetorical approaches.

It is hoped that by studying the linguistic features of advertising English this paper will be of some help in comprehending and translating English advertisements for those who are working in this field.


Key words:   Advertising       Advertising English

KISS rule        Linguistic features
















关键词:广告  广告英语  KISS规则  语言特点


Acknowledgements. ⅰ

Abstract ⅱ

内容提要… ⅳ


  1. Introduction.. 1

1.1 Study Background.. 1

1.2 Approaches of Research. 2

  1. A Brief Survey of Advertising.. 3

2.1 History of Advertising. 3

2.2 Definitions of Advertising. 4

2.3 Classifications of Advertising. 6

2.4 Functions of Advertising. 8

2.5 Objectives of Advertising. 10

2.6 Elements of Advertising. 11

2.7 The KISS Rule in Advertising. 11

  1. Lexical Approach.. 13

3.1 Use of Monosyllabic, Laudatory and Comparative Adjectives. 13

3.2 Use of Monosyllabic and Forceful Verbs. 16

3.3 Use of Refined Nouns. 17

3.4 Use of “You” and “Your”. 19

3.5 Use of Compounds. 20

3.6 Use of Intentional Misspellings. 22

  1. Syntactic Approach.. 25

4.1 Utilization of Imperative Sentences. 25

4.2 Utilization of Interrogative Sentences. 27

4.3 Utilization of Minor Clauses. 30

  1. Rhetorical Approach.. 32

5.1 Phonetic Rhetoric. 32

5.1.1 Onomatopoeia. 33

5.1.2 Alliteration. 34

5.1.3 Rhyme. 36

5.2 Lexical Rhetoric. 37

5.2.1 Metaphor 38

5.2.2 Simile. 39

5.2.3 Metonymy. 40

5.2.4 Pun. 41

5.2.5 Personification. 45

5.2.6 Irony. 46

5.2.7 Parody. 47

5.2.8 Euphemism.. 50

5.3 Syntactical Rhetoric. 52

5.3.1 Inversion. 52

5.3.2 Repetition. 53

5.3.3 Parallelism.. 56

5.3.4 Contrast 58

  1. Conclusion.. 60

Bibliography  62


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