English Songs: An Efficient Instrument of English Teaching

  1. Introduction. 1
  2. Significances of using songs in English teaching. 2

2.1 Arousing students’ interest in learning English. 2

2.2 Improving students’ pronunciation. 3

2.3 Broadening students’ knowledge of English culture. 4

2.4 Promoting students’ communicative ability. 5

  1. Shortcomings of using songs in English teaching. 6

3.1 Distracting students’ attention from English teaching. 6

3.2 Unclear teaching aims when using songs. 6

3.3 The negative effects of unusual language features on students. 7

  1. The standards of choosing songs for English teaching. 7

4.1 To choose appropriate English songs. 7

4.2 Choose English Songs to Improve the Integrated Comprehensive Ability. 8

4.3 Emphasizing quality instead of quantity. 9

5.Ways of using songs in English teaching. 9

5.1 Ways of using songs in teaching listening. 9

Using songs in listening teaching is adopted as a primary attempt for better fulfillment. There are some listening suggestions: 9

5.1.1 Filling in the gapped lyrics. 9

5.1.2 Reordering the scrambled lyrics. 10

5.1.3 Using song pictures. 10

5.2 Ways of using songs in teaching speaking. 10

5.2.1 Discussing and retelling the story. 10

5.2.2 Performance based on the song. 11

5.3 Ways of using Songs in teaching reading. 11

5.3.1 Reading and Learning Grammar and Vocabulary, phrase. 11

5.3.2 Reading and doing some exercise. 13

5.4 Ways of using songs in teaching writing. 13

5.4.1 Doing writing practice. 14

5.4.2 Composing words for tunes. 14

This activity is quite challenging on stress and rhythm. To make it easier, teachers can ask their students to compose words for songs which are popular in students’ native country. And structures and vocabularies from the textbook course may be very successfully set to the pleasant tune. 14

5.5 Ways of using songs in other activities. 14

  1. A Teaching plan of using song in English teaching. 15
  2. Conclusion. 21


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