How to Teach Writing in Senior
High School under New Curriculum Criterion
2.1 Problems in teaching program and methods. 3
2.2 Problems in students’ English writing. 4
4.1 Theories of writing teaching. 11
4.1.1 The Zone of Proximal Development 11
4.2 Relationship between Scaffolding and ZPD.. 15
5.2 Steps of organizing an English writing lesson. 18
5.3 A Writing Teaching Example on the Basis of Scaffolding Theory. 23
6.1 Helping students have peer review.. 26
6.2 Helping students learn from each other 26
6.3 Helping students know each other better 27
6.4 Helping students improve their oral English. 27
6.5 Helping teachers save time and energy. 28
6.6 Helping improve writing assessments. 28