Language Features of Business English

  1. Introduction. 2
  2. Selection of words in business English. 3

2.1 Using short and familiar words and expressions. 4

2.2 Choosing simple words. 5

2.3 Avoiding old words. 5

2.4 Selecting precise words. 5

2.4.1 Choose accurate facts and figures. 6

2.4.2 State what people will say matter-of-factly. 6

2.4.3 Understand the commercial terms correctly. 7 Terms for prices. 7 Terms for shipments. 7

2.5 Using logical expressions. 8

2.6 Using concrete words. 8

  1. Construction of effective sentences in business English. 9

3.1 Using short sentences. 9

3.1.1 Limiting sentence content 10

3.1.2 Economizing on words. 10 Avoid cluttering phrases. 10 Eliminate surplus words. 11 Avoid unnecessary repetition of words or ideas. 11

3.2 Arranging sentence emphasis. 12

3.3 Giving the sentence unity. 13

3.3.1 Avoid unrelated ideas. 13

3.3.2 Avoid unnecessary repeat 14

3.3.3 Avoid illogical constructions. 15

3.4 Using active voice and passive voice properly. 16

3.5 Using concise sentences. 17

3.6 Using lots of formulas. 17

  1. Development of paragraphs in business English. 18

4.1 Five ways to develop a paragraph. 18

4.1.1 By illustration. 18

4.1.2 By comparison or contrast 19

4.1.3 By discussion of cause and effect 19

4.1.4 By classification. 20

4.1.5 By discussion of problem and solution. 20

4.2 Professional plan for paragraph development 21

4.2.1 Primary ideas. 21

4.2.2 Related sentences. 21

4.2.3 Other sentences. 22

4.3 Achieving paragraph coherence. 22

4.3.1 Repetition of key words or key ideas. 22

4.3.2 Using transitional expressions. 23

  1. Creating positive language instead of negative language in business English. 23

5.1 State information positively. 24

5.2 Eliminate negative language and language with negative connotations. 24

  1. Conclusion. 25

References. 27


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