




Part Fundamentals of Persuasive Speaking…….……………………..5

1.1 The Characteristics of Persuasive Speaking………………….……5

1.2 The Importance of Persuasive Speaking…………………………….7

1.3 The Purposes of Persuasive Speaking………………………………8

1.4 The Selection of a Topic……………………………………….……….8

1.4.1 Selecting the Subject…………………………………..…………9

1.4.2 Narrowing the Subject…………………………………………….9


Part Charisma of a Persuasive Speaker………………………………11

2.1 Authority……………………………………..………………………….12

2.2 Credibility…………………………………..………………………..….12

2.3 Social Attractiveness……………………………………………..…..14

2.3.1 Likeability……………………………………………..…………….14

2.3.2 Similarity………………………………………………..….……..…15

2.3.3 Physical Attractiveness…………………………………..…..……16


Part   Methods of Persuasion…………………………………………..18

3.1  Persuading through Evidence and Reasoning…………………18

3.1.1 Using Opinions Wisely………..…………………………….……..19

3.1.2 Types of Reasoning………………………..………………………20

3.2  Persuading through Appeals to Basic Human Needs, Wants, and Desires………………………………………………….………..24

3.2.1 Physiological Needs………………………………….……………25

3.2.2 Safety Needs…………………………….…………………………26

3.2.3 Belonging and Love Needs……………………..…………………26

3.2.4 Self-Esteem Needs……………..………………………………….27

3.2.5 Self-Actualization Needs………………………..…………………28

3.3 Persuading through Adapting to Different Audiences.…………29

3.3.1 Enticing a Reluctant Audience to Listen……………………..…..29

3.3.2 Removing Barriers to Commitment………..……………………..31

3.3.3 Moving from Attitude to Action……………..……………………..33


Part Ⅳ Generally Available Strategic Resources……..……………….36

4.1 Selecting Appropriate Supporting Materials…………….……….36

4.1.1 Examples……………..………………………………………… …36

4.1.2 Narration……….……………………………………….…………..38

4.1.3 Testimony……..…………………………………………………….40

4.1.4 Statistics…….………………………………………………………41

4.2 Using Presentation Aids and Visual Aids…………..……………..43

4.2.1 Types of Presentation Aids………..………………………………43

4.2.2 Media of Presentation Aids…..……………………………………43

4.2.3 Computer Assisted Presentations………..………………………44


Part Ⅴ Use of Language to Persuade………….………………….…….45

5.1 Giving Words Added Impact……………………..…………..…………47

5.1.1 Importance of Word Choice..………………………………………47

5.1.2 Psychological Effect of language…………………………………48

5.1.3 Power Talk………………………………………..…………………49

5.2 Achieving Clarity, Simplicity, Rhythm, Vividness and Humour 53

5.2.1 Clarity……………………..…………………………………………53

5.2.2 Simplicity………………..…………………………………………..56

5.2.3 Rhythm………….…………………………………………………..60

5.2.4 Vividness…………..………………………………………………..65

5.2.5 Humour…………………..………………………………………….75


Part Ⅵ Delivery………………………………………………………………79

6.1 Voice……..………………………………………………………………79

6.2 Eye Contact………………..……………………………………………79

6.3 Body Language…………… ……………………………………….….80








Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” Many of us are being influenced and manipulated, far more than we realise, in the patterns of our everyday life. It is true, however, few people understand the art of persuasion. Therefore, I am eager to analyse and study the techniques and skills of achieving persuasion through speaking. In that way, we can understand what works, what does not work, and how we can achieve powerful persuasive speaking and defend against manipulation and propaganda.


To understand how to make speaking persuasive, we should get to know its fundamentals. Naturally, in the first part, I present the characteristics, importance and purposes of persuasive speaking, and in addition, the selection of the topic for persuasive speaking.


Who gives life to a persuasive speech? The speaker for sure. Then it is necessary to probe into the principles a persuader should follow. In the second part, therefore, the three attributes for a charismatic speaker—authority, credibility and social attractiveness—are studied.


In order to persuade the audience, the communicator must indisputably have methods and strategies of persuasion. The third part expounds some of the methods and strategies which I think are effective, that is, to persuade audiences through logic and physiological needs and to adapt to different audiences.


Amplifying our speaking is also necessary. To achieve this goal, generally available strategic resources should be taken into consideration. The fourth part of this thesis is mainly about supporting materials, presentation aids and visual aids.


The fifth part gives us the idea as to how speakers persuade audiences through language. Powerful arguments and good persuasive strategies would collapse without the support of language. Persuaders cannot ignore the power of language and style of speaking. Language deserves much attention and effort of the speaker.


After studying the methods and language of the persuasive speaking, the last step is delivery, which can either ruin our former endeavor or accomplish our persuasion, including, in particular, voice, eye contact and body language.





我们中的绝大多数人都会在生活中受到政治家、广告商、销售人员和各种管理者的影响和游说。 这些影响不容小觑。他人怎样影响说服我们以及我们怎样在生活和工作中进行有效的说服值得探究。埃默生曾讲道:“演讲力量无穷,其力量在于说服他人, 改变其想法, 促使其行动。”


首先,在研究怎样使说服性演讲更具说服力,我们应当对说服性演讲有基本的认识。论文的第一部分阐述了其特点、重要性和目的, 以及怎样为说服性演讲选题。


对于演讲来说,演讲者是至关重要的。如何成为有号召力、极富魅力的说服者? 第二部分论述了有号召力的演讲者应具备的几点特点—权威性、可信度和社会吸引力。










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