Performance Management (PM), currently, is really a buzzword in various kinds of organizations. In order to improve the performance of the whole team, the HR Department employs different tools of PM; however, the implementation process and the results are far from satisfactory.
In view of this, the author firstly proposes a model on PM that links all key factors together in PM execution. This is based on the author’s knowledge of varied PM theories as well as on-the-job experience in LG and Siemens. The model clearly states the importance of Strategy Communication, Communication and Coaching, and Corporate Culture, which are often ignored by managers in daily management. It could be said that, without these elements, PM efforts would definitely end up with failure. And next, an implementation process of PM is put forward and elaborated with cases.
Finally, the author points out six types of possible failures in practical implementation, and meanwhile, proposes some recommendations for improvement.
Key Words: Performance Management; Performance; Strategy; Communication; Corporate Culture
摘 要
业绩管理(又称绩效管理), 对当今各类企业及组织来说,是一个让管理者异常头痛的话题。表面上看,几乎所有的企业组织机构都在实施所谓的业绩管理, 但结果如何、对业绩的提升到底有何作用,恐怕十之八九的管理者都会摇头叹息。
鉴于此, 本文作者在较为深入地学习研究了解管理大师们的业绩管理理论并结合在不同企业人力资源部门实践的基础上,提出了企业正确实施业绩管理的参考模型,把企业常常忽略的战略沟通、沟通教练和企业文化融入模型当中, 并置后两者于至关重要的地位。可以说,脱离了它们,业绩管理根本无从谈起。 接下来,作者从实践的角度颇具创新地提出了在企业推进业绩管理的过程和步骤,并结合实例进行了详细阐述。
最后, 作者基于自己对理论的总结和在企业实地的调查,指出了当今企业实施业绩管理失败的六大因素,并针对性地提出了合理的建议及改进的办法。
关键词: 业绩管理, 业绩, 战略, 沟通,企业文化
Chapter I Theories on Performance Management 7
1.1 Definitions of Performance Management 7
1.2 Methodologies and Tools in PM.. 8
1.2.2 Management by Objectives 9
1.2.5 Performance Appraisal 13
1.3 Performance Appraisal≠Performance Management 14
Chapter II Model on Performance Management 17
2.1 Strategy Communication. 18
2.2 Key Performance Indicators and Objective Setting. 20
2.6 Communication and Coaching. 25
Chapter III Process for the Implementation of PM.. 30
3.2 Analyze Current Problems. 31
3.3.2 Department/Branch Goals 32
3.3.3 Individual Performance Goals 33
3.4 Clarify Vision and Strategy in the Organization. 34
3.6 Link Performance to Rewards System.. 41
3.7 Performance Appraisal and Review.. 45
3.9 Annual Summary Meeting. 52