



论文摘要…………………………………………… VI



Chapter One   Mass media………………………..1

  1. 1 Historic and comparative study of different media………1

1.1.1 Printed Media……………………………………………………..2

1.1.2 Television………………………………………………………….4

1.1.3 Broadcasting………………………………………………………5

1.1.4 Photographs……………………………………………………….9

1.1.5 Movies…………………………………………………………….10

1.1.6 Internet……………………………………………………………12

1.1.7 Hybrid Media……………………………………………………14

  1. 2 Conclusion………………………………………………….14


Chapter Two  Understanding the Media………..16

2.1 How do the media work…………………………………….16

2.2 Issues and Concerns in Mass media……………………….18

2.2.1 The overwhelming objective for profit………………………………….18

2.2.2 Degradation in contents…………………………………………20

2.2.3 Contemporary news media under advertising ………………..23

2.2.4 Convergence of media ownership………………………………24

2.3 Conclusion…………………………………………………..26



Chapter Three: Mass Media and Society—Effects and Impacts…………………………………………27

3.1 The presumption of media effects…………………………28

3.2 The media and Violence……………………………………30

3.2.1 Violence presence in the media…………………………………30

3.2.2 Current Theories on the effects of media violence……………32

3.2.3 Reactions and Measurements…………………………………..33

3.3 The media and young generation…………………………..36

3.4 The media and politics……………………………………..40

3.5 Advertising and Consumerization…………………………43

3.6 Conclusion…………………………………………………..45


Chapter 4 Active Audience—the Call for Today…47

4.1 Active audiences and the construction of meaning………47

4.2 The active audience…………………………………………49

4.3 Media Literacy………………………………………………52






Living in the world saturated by different media forms, we are bestowed by rapid advancing technologies with rich choices of personal media usage. Cable television, DVDs, and CDs offer a wide range of programming options. Furthermore, the Internet supplies individuals with immediate access to a wealth of information. However, the media do perform like a two-edged rapier. They not only facilitate rapid information distribution, keep people informed and entertained, but also overcast ill impact over the society, culture, and individual behaviors.

This dissertation invites you to step back and seriously consider the mass media and the issues they raise. It asks you to put your everyday the media activities into a broader social, political and economic context to better understand them.

Chapter one proposes a profile of different media forms focusing on their historic background, inherent traits, and comparative strong points vs. weakness.

The following chapter moves on to probe into the industry practice of the media: how they work within their stringent restraints, how they balance between public interests and economic returns, and what kind of problems they are facing. A better understanding of the media under its industrial framework would be achieved in this part.

The third chapter elaborates on the influence and side-effects the media have on our ideology, values, behavior patterns, and our society at large.

The last part of this dissertation discusses the importance of media literacy in the modern societies. Suggestions about how to avoid media gullibility and to strengthen capabilities of comprehension and independent judgments are also brought out here.

The dissertation arrives at the conclusion that to be a media literate is essential to survive in the information-deluged world.













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