






关键词:境外上市; 融资约束;FHP模型




With economic globalization and the development of finance, Oversea listing has become a noticeable phenomenon in the current development of financing of china’s companies. Overseas listing has a history of thirty years in foreign countries, while it’s a short history in china. More and more china’s private enterprises choose oversea listing with the purpose of attaining international capital. In this background, it is of practical and theory meaning to make an empirical study on the problem, whether oversea listing could loosen the financing constraints of china’s private enterprises.

In theory part, the author firstly reviews the various motive hypotheses on overseas listing, including market segmentation hypothesis, liquidity hypothesis, investors recognition hypothesis, and finance constraints hypothesis. And then the related theories on financing constraint, including conventional investing theory, MM theorem, information asymmetry on invest, FHP model. In the same time the author reviews empirical study on the two ideas.

In order to understanding definitely the background and current situation of those private enterprises, which are oversea listing, the third part firstly introduces the political background and progress, and then the status of development in the view of oversea listing model, place and the industry distribution. In the final the author discusses the main problem of them: ignorance of the relationship between investors; the weakness of internal control system.

In the part of empirical study, basing on FHP model and LSZ model ,this study constructs the empirical model. The samples are china’s private enterprises listing in HK between 2008 and 2010. The author documents that, following listing, the sensitivity of investment to internal cash flow decreases significantly. This proves that overseas listing relaxes capital constraints.

According to the background and empirical result, the author proposes certain advice about listing company and securities regulators.


Key words: Overseas Listing; Finance Constraints; FHP model



第一章       绪论… 1

第一节 选题的背景与意义… 1

1.1.1  选题的背景… 1

1.1.2  选题的意义… 2

第二节 研究内容及文章创新点… 2

1.2.1 研究内容… 2

1.2.2 文章框架… 3

第二章 相关理论综述… 4

第一节  境外上市动机文献综述… 4

2.1.1 理论研究成果… 4

2.1.2 实证研究综述… 9

第二节 融资约束理论… 10

2.2.1 传统企业投资理论… 10

2.2.2 融资约束理论假说… 12

2.2.3 实证研究综述… 14

第三章 民营企业境外上市的背景及现状分析… 19

第一节 我国民营企业境外上市的背景分析… 19

3.1.1 政策背景分析… 19

3.1.2 民营企业境外上市的沿革历程… 20

第二节 民营企业境外上市发展现状… 22

3.2.1 上市模式选择… 22

3.2.2 境外上市地点分布… 23

3.2.3 境外上市行业分布… 25

第三节 我国民营企业境外上市的主要问题… 26

3.3.1对境外市场缺乏足够的认识… 26

3.3.2内部控制制度薄弱… 28

3.3.3忽视投资者关系管理… 28

第四章 民营企业境外上市与融资约束的实证模型与假设… 30

第一节 实证模型的构建… 30

第二节 实证假设… 31

第五章 我国民营企业境外上市与融资约束的实证检验… 33

第一节 样本选择和数据收集… 33

第二节 单变量比较… 33

第三节 面板数据回归… 36

第五章 结论与政策建议… 38

第一节 全文结论… 38

第二节 对策建议… 38

5.2.1 上市公司… 38

5.2.2 证券监管部门… 39

5.2.3 证券交易所… 40

参考文献… 41


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