关键词:企业管理 成本控制 新形势 建议
The new thinking about enterprise cost management
As the core of business management, cost control is an important element of the core competitiveness of any business. With China’s successful accession to WTO, We China’s had got many opportunities but also has brought a great challenge to many industries. Especially since entering into the new century, new technologies and new methods are widely used, the current cost control have added more features of the times. Accurately grasping the cost control of the characteristics of the times, understanding the new situation and future cost management have important sense. Based on this background, some ideas was put forward in hope of provide a useful reference and reference for cost control.
Key word:enterprise management; cost control; new situation; suggestion
目 录
(三)知识经济时代要求培训工作的长期化、制度化、规范化… 1
(一)成本管理必须尊重人,依靠人,最大限度的发挥人的作用… 3