




关键词:企业 管理理念 对策








In recent years our country enterprise development although obtained certain achievement, but in see result while, we should also realize that the enterprises in the development process is facing a series of problems and difficulties. This paper takes the enterprise strategy execution management problems and Countermeasures of enterprise as the research focus, long-term sustainable development effective way. The social and economic structure, mode of production and consumption structure is the world revolution of new science and technology change, business management is no exception. In all sorts of science and technology, computer center for modern information technology, is currently the fastest growing, most technology in network economy times, it puts forward the management informatization and management reform requirement. How in the era of network economy makes the informatization and management reform in combination, promote each other, synchronous development, from the overall comprehensive analysis, from informatization and business management organic union looks. The current network economy era, to put forward the economic development of enterprise strategy execution management change request. This article first introduced the management related content, including management concept, classification, management elements and the functions of management, a clear business strategy execution management the basic content of this field. The network economy era, enterprise strategy execution management does not meet the needs of the society, of course reform, this paper introduces the enterprise strategy execution change specific reasons, and for these reasons, put forward some suggestions, hoping to promote the business strategy execution management development.


Key words: enterprise  Management philosophyt  countermeasures


目    录


… I

Abstract II

1企业管理理念相关理论… 1

1.1管理的定义… 1

1.2管理的分类… 1

1.3管理的职能… 1

1.4企业管理理念… 1

1.5企业管理理念的作用… 2

1.5.1重视对经营环境的研究… 2

1.5.2重视企业战略的实施… 2

1.5.3日常的经营与计划控制结合在一起… 2

2 管理理念变革的原因… 2

2.1全球经济发展的冲击… 2

2.2虚拟经济的影响… 3

2.3管理理念制度的地位… 3

2.4管理理念体制的要求… 3

3企业管理理念存在的具体问题… 4

3.1企业制定管理理念的能力欠缺… 4

3.2企业制定管理理念片面追求规模效应… 4

3.3管理理念实施脱离企业实际… 5

3.4企业战略执行目标不明确… 5

3.5企业管理制度本身不合理… 5

3.6企业管理考核机制不完善… 5

4加强企业管理理念的可行性对策… 6

4.1增强企业竞争力应对外部战略… 6

4.2合理划分组织机构,完善公司战略决策机制… 6

4.3建立健全内控制度,形成管理理念机制… 7

4.4变革管理思想,改变思维方式… 7

4.5信息化战略与管理方式的变革… 7

4.6把握好管理和发展速度的关系… 8

4.7制订合理的制度… 8

4.8加强企业文化培训… 9

5 结束语… 9

致  谢… 11

参考文献… 12


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