摘要:   伴随芯片技术的集成度以及发展的提高,电子产品一直以来维持稳步增长的趋势。我国作为全球最大的制造生产基地,虽然为世界的消费者输出各种各样的电子产品,然而严重的同质化、惨烈的价格战以及过低的利润效益使得我国的企业品牌无法摆脱悲惨的情况,金融风暴的到来为我国的电子产品雪上加霜,生存空间日益恶劣。苹果公司推出的IMAC、IPAD、IPhone、IPhone4,到最近ipad的问世为消费者带来新鲜的视听感受,同时也获得了令竞争对手垂涎的高额利润,面对我国的市场环境保证ipad平板电脑在华经营仍能保持较高的竞争优势具有重要的研究意义。



关键词:  Ipad电脑   在华经营   建议和意见




Abstract:  Along with the integration and development of the chip technology improvement, electronic products has been steadily maintain growth trend. China as the world’s biggest manufacturing production base, although for the world consumer output all kinds of electronic products, however serious homogeneity, deadly price war and low profit benefit which the country’s enterprise brand can’t get rid of the tragic situation, the arrival of the financial storm for our country’s electronic products suffer, worsening living space. Apple launched the IMAC, IPAD, IPhone, IPhone4, to the introduction of the IPAD recently for the consumer to bring fresh of audio-visual experience, it also get that rivals coveted high profits, to face the market environment ensures IPAD tablet computer operation in China can still keep higher competitive advantage has important significance.

This article mainly includes five parts. The first part is an introduction; The second part of a detailed study of the Ipad analysis operation in China mode; The third part, the fourth part, using respectively industry material resources with SWOT analysis model for Ipad computer operation in China further environmental factors analysis; The fifth part for Ipad success in China to put forward some policies and Suggestions management; The last part of the full text of the system is summarized.


Key words:  Ipad computer   operation in China   Suggestions and opinions





摘要:. I

Abstract: II

目录. III

第一章  前言. 1

第二章 Ipad在华经营模式简介. 1

2.1 ipad在华产品模式. 1

2.2 ipad在华渠道模式. 2

2.3 ipad在华价格模式. 3

2.4 ipad在华促销模式. 3

第三章 PEST分析. 4

3.1政治环境分析. 4

3.2 经济环境分析. 4

3.3社会文化环境因素. 4

3.4 技术因素. 5

第四章 行业五力分析. 5

4.1 供方侃价能力分析. 5

4.2 买方侃价能力分析. 6

4.3潜在进入者分析. 6

4.4 替代品威胁分析. 6

4.5 同行业竞争威胁分析. 7

第五章 SWOT分析. 7

5.1 优势分析. 7

5.2 劣势分析. 8

5.3 机会分析. 8

5.4 威胁分析. 9

第六章 iPad在华销售策略的评价. 9

6.1 ipad在华销售的策略. 9

1 采用差别化战略,营造品牌效应. 9

2 弥补技术缺陷,积极研发新产品. 10

3 注重渠道控制,尽量压缩成本. 10

6.2 ipad在华销售策略的评价. 10

第七章 总结. 11

参考文献:. 12

致谢. 13


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