

摘   要


本文力求可以为环保网的开发设计找到一种切实可行的解决方案,在分析了目前国内外环保网的现状的基础上,并经过反复摸索和学习研究后,借助编程语言JSP和SQLSERVER 数据库最终实现了环保网的开发,并在一系列测试后,达成了人性化、所需功能完善、操作清晰的设计目标。


关键词  环保网;管理系统;JSP;


In this paper, the environmental protection nets of design and development process are analyzed and described. In accordance with the actual operation of the system development steps, this article from the system overview, system analysis, system design and system realize the four chapters of systems development process are expounded. System summary main project for background, subject to analyze the current situation and meaning; System analysis in China, including the design of the system before requirements analysis, business process analysis, data flow analysis and data dictionary analysis; And the system design is on the system structure, the function module and database structure design and so on the concrete process of the system implementation analysis show, in the section of the system design of detailed explanation and equipped with words that chart. The article also listed a key function modules realize code

This paper tries to can the development design for environmental protection nets to find a kind of practical solutions, in the analysis of the current environmental protection at home and abroad on the basis of the status quo of the websites, and after repeatedly exploration and study after study, with the aid of the programming language SQLSERVER database JSP and realize environmental protection nets the development, and in a series of tests, the human nature, required a perfect function, operation clear design goal

Keywords: Environmental protection,Management system,JSP

目    录



1  绪论

1.1  课题背景

1.2  目的和意义

1.3  系统设计思想

1.4  本文的结构

2  可行性分析

2.1  业务流程图

2.2  经济可行性

2.3  技术可行性

2.4  运行可行性

2.5  本章小结

3  需求分析

3.1  新闻发布需求分析

3.2  数据流图

3.3  本章小结

4  总体设计

4.1  系统总体设计

4.2  数据库设计

4.3  本章小结

5  详细设计与实现

5.1  系统运行环境

5.2  开发工具及技术介绍

5.3  系统首页设计

5.4  新闻详细信息模块

5.5  留言模块

5.6  参与问卷模块

5.7  系统后台登录模块

5.8  新闻类别管理模块

5.9  新闻管理模块

5.10  公告信息管理模块

5.11  留言管理模块

5.12  问卷调查管理模块

6  系统测试与性能分析

6.1  软件测试




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