目 录





















(一) 鼓励房地产融资产品创新

(二) 对房地产金融市场中介的发展进行大力推动











摘要: 房地产业是属于典型的资金密集型的行业,。这一特性决定了房地产业的发展离不开金融业的有效支持,因此房地产金融市场的发展与房地产业的蓬勃发展关系密不可分。近几年来我国的房地产业呈现出快速发展的趋势,房地产金融也随之高速发展,并开始对房地产业的发展产生举足轻重的作用,成为其发展的重要支撑。由于我国制度现状使然,房地产业对商业银行有高度的依赖性,带来了潜在的房地产金融风险。随着政府由于房地产过热而加大宏观调控的力度,一些风险也随之明显起来。然而我国房地产金融法规依旧不够健全,法制建设颇为滞后,导致房地产金融市场的较多行为得不到全面的法律保障,这一现象对房地产金融的健康发展将会有不利影响.同时房地产金融的发展进行中也缺乏完善的监管体系,除了在《商业银行法》中有关于银行设立和资金运用的相关规定外,对于房地产金融机构的相关管理尚无一个明确的规定或机构。因此选择这个课题,旨在通过自己对于房地产金融方面浅显理解结合国内外的专家研究能够摸清我国房地产金融的现状、存在的问题、风险以及对策,并对今后的市场发展进行探讨。



Abstract: Abstract

The real estate industry is a typical capital intensive industry,. This characteristic determines the development of the real estate industry can not be separated from the effective support of the financial sector, so the real estate financial market development and real estate booming relationship are inseparable. In recent years, China’s real estate industry showing a rapid development trend, the rapid development of real estate finance, and began to play an important role in the development of the real estate industry, has become an important support for the development of the real estate industry. Due to the current situation of China’s system, the real estate industry has a high degree of dependence on commercial banks, which brings the potential real estate financial risks. With the government as a result of overheated real estate and increase the intensity of  macroeconomic regulation and control, some of the risks are also evident. However, China’s real estate financial regulations are still not perfect, legal system construction quite lag, leading to more behavior in the financial market of real estate is not comprehensive legal protection, the phenomenon of the healthy development of the real estate finance will have adverse effects. At the same time, the development of real estate finance is also a lack of perfect supervision system, except in the “commercial bank law” on banks to set up funds and use of the relevant provisions, for real estate financial institutions management there is no clear rules or institutions. So choose this subject, aims to through their own for real estate financial aspects easy to understand the combined domestic and international experts to study to find out China’s real estate financial situation, existing issues, risks and countermeasures, and on the future development of the market were discussed.

Key Words: incentive system; Performance; Incentive effect;Firm performance


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