关键词:家居; 品牌传播; 品牌经营
IKEA as a home business, from its inception on to shape a unique brand communication, not only absorbed the advantages of a large chain, absorbed the manufacturing of flexible manufacturing and flexible production methods, with its own characteristics, out of thea unique IKEA characteristics of truth. Paper is divided into five parts, the first defined the concept of brand communication, including brand communications, brand communications process, brand communication principles; second, analyze the status and process of the IKEA brand communication; third IKEA brand communication process, the target market positioning, to marketing, to the experience; from multiple perspectives of the brand experience, research and development, logistics, supplier management analysis of the key elements of success of the IKEA brand communication; through the above analysis put forward reasonable proposals for the development of domestic enterprises in China.
Keywords:Home; brand communication; brand management
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