关键词: 教学辅助系统;JSP; MyEclipse; MySQL
Educational administration is the main content of the school’s educational work , the amount of information , as well as information changes frequently has been a thorny issue in schools , along with related work to accelerate the wider use of computers and network communication, educational administration has basically achieved a diverse network management , largely facilitate the majority of teachers and students , but also conducive to the management of the school dean related work , teaching quality has been greatly improved.
The educational system using MyEclipse designed to connect to the MySQL database , the system is divided into three main roles, administrator roles to achieve class information management, curriculum information management, curriculum management, lesson plans management has been on the course , the financial information management , financial information print , view student achievement , student information management, information management teachers , administrators information maintenance , modification login password. Teacher’s role to achieve assignments, correcting homework , reproduce answering , online discussions , upload courseware , student achievement management , curriculum upload, modify the login password. Student role to achieve the job view , job submission , online discussions , course view , personal achievement view , courseware download syllabus download, modify login password.
Keywords : educational systems ; JSP; MyEclipse; MySQL
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