题 目: | 黑龙江人民出版社管理系统 | ||
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指导: | 职 称: |
完成日期 2019 年 10 月
摘 要
本文以JSP为开发技术,实现了一个网上出版社相关信息管理的系统。黑龙江人民出版社管理系统分为管理员、作者和员工,主要实现功能包括:系统用户管理、员工管理、作者管理、图书管理、选题信息管理、稿件信息管理、资源信息管理、财务信息管理、系统基本管理。通过这些功能模块的设计,基本上实现了整个黑龙江人民出版社管理系统。具体在系统设计上,采用了B/S的结构,同时,也使用JSP技术在动态页面上进行了设计,后台上采用MYSQL 数据库,是一个非常优秀的黑龙江人民出版社管理系统。
关键词 :出版社管理系统;JSP技术;MYSQL;B/S结构
Today in the 21st century, with the continuous development of society and progress, people for the understanding of the scientific information that has been developed from low level to high level development, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge, the importance of management work has been gradually known by people, scientific management, to store information accurate, fast, perfect, and can improve the work efficiency of management, promote its development.
Papers on heilongjiang people’s publishing house management system are introduced, including his status, and involves the development background, and then has carried on the elaboration to the design of system target, and the demand of the system, and the whole design scheme of the system design and implementation, are also discussed more meticulous, finally, heilongjiang people’s publishing house management system made some specific test.
In this paper, JSP as the development technology, the realization of an online publishing house related information management system. Heilongjiang people’s publishing house management system is divided into administrator, author and staff, the main functions include: system user management, staff management, author management, library management, topic management, manuscript information management, resource information management, financial information management, system basic management. Through the design of these functional modules, the whole heilongjiang people’s publishing house management system is basically realized. Specific in the system design, the use of B/S structure, at the same time, also use JSP technology on the dynamic page design, the back platform using MYSQL database, is a very excellent heilongjiang people’s publishing house management system.
Key words: Publishing house management system; JSP technology. MYSQL; B/S structure
目 录