318 JSP 图书在线借阅系统的设计与实现sqlserver演示录像
目 录
近年来, 随着Internet的快速发展, 使网络化信息服务呈现出勃勃生机, 各类网络信息服务商如雨后春笋, 已成为图书馆的重要竞争对手。作为传统信息服务业主角的图书馆,必须借助自身的信息资源和信息的搜集、加工、组织优势,积极开展以网络为中心的信息服务,才能在这场竞争中立于不败之地。
In recent years, along with the Internet fast development, caused the network information service to present the full of vitality, each kind of network information service provider like mushroom growth, has become the library the important competitor. As the traditional information service industry lead’s library, must draw support from own information resource and the information collection, the processing, the organization superiority, develops positively take the network as the central information service, can be in an impregnable position in this competition.
Our country’s computer network technological progress might as well Europe and America and so on developed country, causes the present Our country Library on-line information service level and overseas compares also has the suitable disparity, therefore, should profit from the overseas advanced experience positively, studies and the consummation unceasingly is suitable for our country’s library network information service system, enhances Our country Library network information service the overall level, is realizes Our country Library network, the digitization and the resource sharing lays the foundation.
Key word: Library;Network;Digitization