[关键词]建构主义 学习环境设计 要素
In recent years, education in transition period. Learning environment design is a kind of teaching design, more is a kind of teaching atmosphere and the creation of the teaching situation. Based on the constructivism theory and modern information technology, is the combination of China’s modern learning environment design feature. Constructivist Classroom Learning Environment Design and the traditional teaching design difference lies in: it abandoned teaching as center, teacher as the authority of traditional classroom teaching mode; it provides a series of support to help learners actively construct knowledge significance; it emphasizes that teaching should be learning center, focus on giving play to students to study independently sex, inquiry, creativity and cooperation. With the modern social development on independent innovation and cooperation and exchange of talents demand is consistent. Learner centered learning environment design, its theoretical foundation is very rich, mainly situated cognition theory, the theory of distributed cognition, activity theory and case based reasoning.
Key words: Constructivist Learning Environments Design Elements
目 录
1.3构建主义学习环设计的发展状况………………………….. 3
2.建构主义视角下学习环境设计的要素…………………………… 4
3.建构主义学习环境的现状调查与分析…………………………… 6
3.2问卷、解决问题能力、考试成绩前测分析…………………… 8
3.1.2学生解决问题能力前测分析…………………………. 8