







Personal finance risk design


Abstract: with the economic and social development, and people with disposable income level of assets increases, and people’s personal finance demand also increasingly strong, a bank’s management idea, the middle of the business of personal finance especially business gradually become the focus of the bank management, people in the financial business become bank high-end customers high quality, attracts expand the market share and increase profits one of the core business. Due to the above bank financing the characteristics of the deposit income, has become the focus of attention of the individual. The main purpose of this study is to explore in the process of personal financial management how to conduct risk management. This paper first introduced the personal financial management and relevant concepts; Then, to personal finance investment system design analysis; Finally, is the personal financial management business risk analysis and personal finance risk prevention countermeasures.


Keywords: personal finance; Risk management; Risk; countermeasures




目   录


引言……………………………………………….. 1

一、个人理财及相关概念……………………………….. 1

(一)个人理财的概念………………………………… 1

(二)个人理财规划的执行流程…………………………. 1

二、个人理财投资的系统设计……………………………. 1

三、个人理财业务风险分析……………………………… 2

(一)市场风险…………………………………….. 2

(二)理财风险…………………………………….. 3

(三)产品信息不对称风险…………………………….. 3

(四)操作风险…………………………………….. 4

四、个人理财风险防范对策……………………………… 4

(一)个人要增强理财的意识,转变理财观念……………….. 4

(二)提高风险的意识,控制和防范理财风险……………….. 4

(三)正确地看待风险和收益…………………………… 5

(四)拓宽理财渠道………………………………….. 5

总结……………………………………………….. 5

参考文献……………………………………………. 6

致  谢……………………………………………… 7


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