目   录


摘    要… I


1 绪论… 1

1.1研究背景… 1

1.2研究意义… 1

1.3 研究内容… 1

2投资银行相关理论基础… 1

2.1 投资银行的概念… 1

2.2 投资银行的发展… 1

2.3 投资银行的功能… 1

2.4 投资银行自营业务… 1

2.4.1 自营业务的概念… 1

2.4.2 自营业务流程… 1

2.4.3自营业务的特点… 1

2.5 投资银行与商业银行的区别… 1

3 资本市场相关的理论基础… 1

3.1资本市场的概念… 1

3.2 投资银行与资本市场的关系6. 1

3.2.1投资银行是资本市场的中间人… 1

3.2.2 投资银行是中长期资本运营的枢纽… 1

3.2.3 投资银行促进金融工具的创新… 1

3.3 资本市场泡沫及形成机制… 1

3.3.1 资本市场泡沫的概念… 1

3.3.2资本市场泡沫的分类… 1

3.3.3 资本市场泡沫的形成机制… 1

3.5 资本市场泡沫的衡量… 1

3.5.1用“收入资本化定价法”计算股票泡沫水平… 1

3.5.2用市盈率测定股市泡沫水平… 1

3.5.3用泡沫系数测定泡沫大小… 1

3.5.4 托宾的“Q”说… 1

4 投资银行自营业务对资本市场的影响机制… 1

4.1 投资银行的特点… 1

4.1.1产品大多集中于高风险领域… 1

4.1.2自有资产少,负债率高… 1

4.1.3 产品远离实体经济… 1

4.2 中外投资银行的比较… 1

4.3 投资银行自营业务对资本市场泡沫效应的影响… 1

4.3.1 自营业务与资本市场泡沫的关系… 1

4.3.2 投资银行对泡沫的贡献… 1

4.3.3 投资银行在创造泡沫中的缺陷… 1

5投资银行正确发展的措施及趋势… 1

5.1 从独立投行模式走向全能银行模式… 1

5.2 去杠杆化使杠杆比率结构性下降… 1

5.3 业务结构与营利模式将发生转变… 1

5.4 公司治理结构中受行政干预的程度加大… 1

5.5 金融危机后大投行垄断格局将逐步削弱… 1

5.6 金融监管架构改革势在必行… 1

5.7 强化风险管理… 1

参考文献… 1




摘    要





关键词:投资银行    自营业务     资本市场    泡沫效应




Capital market investment bank is the most important financial institutions,in the western developed countries has experienced hundreds of years of development. Investment banks originated in Europe,the United States of America was introduced in nineteenth Century,and in the United States reached unprecedented prosperity. Investment bank is operating capital market business of financial institutions,the business areas involving securities underwriters and brokers,self-employed securities business and traditional business and asset management,project financing,mergers and acquisitions,investment advisory and risk investment of modern investment bank business innovation. In the modern financial system,investment banks and the connection of investors in capital markets and financing of the bridge has been more and more attention,investment banking financial innovation vigor and excellent capability of risk management to become the financial system in the most dynamic and charismatic financial intermediaries,its importance is more and more obvious.

At the same time,the rapid development of the global economy today,the capital market as a financial market is the most important component,is playing an increasingly important role,in the international capital market participants,investment banks should be the most active,the most rapid development. It can be said,no investment banking efforts and innovation on the international capital market to today’s prosperity. From the United States of America financial crisis we can see,in the financial market globalization so developed today,once the capital of the market problems,its scope is worldwide,it extends to every industry,to the world economy bring disastrous blow. So the study of investment bank has its own business in the capital market bubble effect of shadow,is directly related to the healthy development of the capital market,the investment bank also healthy development.

Based on the introduction of investment bank and capital market on the basis of theoretical knowledge,expounds the characteristics of investment banks,business content,the capital market bubble generation mechanism,then analyses the investment banking business in the capital market bubble effect,in different capital market investment bank business and capital market foam the relationship between the. And at last this article puts forward the correct development of investment bank suggestions.


Keyword:  Investment Banking   Business   Capital Market   Bubble Effect



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