摘    要




关键词:政府信用 地方财政 地方政府债券




Local government bond is the loan certificate by local government representatives within the jurisdiction of residents to the social debt to build the local utility .U.S subprime mortgage crisis triggered by the negative impact of the international financial crisis on China is gradually revealed, faced with severe economic downtown and tense, our budget situation, the Ministry of Finance on a large scale increase in government investment through issuing treasury bonds. In order to clear the central and local responsibility, local governments have also arranged for matching funds, and issuing local government bonds which is a fairly standard way. The proportion of local government expenditure is rising and the lack of coordination financial authority make local governments into huge financial difficulties,and various regions of China,at all levels of local government mostly in varying degrees,debt or debt management,and its type is beyond  imagination. The Chinese government this year firstly issued local government bonds by the Ministry of Finance and is responsible for agency debt service credit, it closes to the national debt and has become an important measure of maintaining the growth target, and also makes our country take a crucial step in the feasibility and necessity of municipal bond. At the same time, but also exposed many of the problems of our country in the development of municipal bonds.



Keywords: government credit; local financial; Municipal bonds




目  录

摘    要. 1

Abstract 2

目  录. 3

一、文献综述. 3

二、我国地方政府债券发展存在的主要问题. 5

(一)法规制度不完善. 5

(二)发债主体流动性不足. 6

(三)缺乏高资信等级的担保机构. 6

(四)评级市场不够规范. 6

(五)可能引起通货膨胀. 7

三、制约我国地方政府债券发展的主要原因. 7

(一)制度安排上没有充分尊重市场规律. 7

(二)地方政府的公信力不足. 7

(三)分税制不彻底. 8

(四)相关法律法规的缺失. 8

(五)盲目担保形成大量债务. 8

四、我国地方政府债券发展的相关对策. 9

(一)完善相关法律法规和制度. 9

(二)严格认定地方政府债券的发行主体资格. 9

(三)强化担保监管机构. 10

(四)加强市场监管. 11

(五)借鉴发达国家的成功经验. 11

致    谢. 12

参考文献:. 13


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