346 JSP 视频网站的设计与实现sqlserver演示录像
目 录
关键词 视频欣赏网站 互联网 系统设计
Along with the Internet and the wide band surfer’s popularization, the Integer video frequency website is sudden appearance in China, and seeps day by day to people’s daily life. The video frequency website is one kind of form of society which using the Modern Communication Technology, the computer and the networking carries on, its goal is through the Internet, raises the social product efficiency, the optimization social resource disposition, thus realizes the public wealth maximized use. This topic studies the Integer video frequency appreciates the website is mainly to provide the search personally, the appreciation and a downloading platform, thus for brings conveniently personally. the topic goal is designs and realizes B/S the architecture Integer video frequency to appreciate the website. The union practice, understood that the homepage development technology and the database elementary knowledge, the study related development kit and the application software, the familiar website construction’s process, masters the network database programming method skilled.
Key word The video frequency appreciates the website Internet System design