353 JSP j2ee课程教学网站的设计与实现sqlserver 演示录像


目    录



第一章 引言

1.1 选题目的

1.2 课题意义

1.2.1 有利于基础知识的理解

1.2.2 有利于逻辑思维的锻炼

1.2.3 有利于与其他学科的整合

1.2.4 有利于治学态度的培养

1.3 设计思想

第二章 相关技术分析

2.1 Struts技术

2.2 AJAX技术

2.3 SQLSEVER2000

2.4 Web数据库的发展历程



2.4.3 浏览器/服务器结构

第三章 系统开发与设计

3.1 本网站建设的原则

3.1.1 以学生为目的的原则

3.1.2 网站设计与评价指标相统一原则

3.1.3 教学内容与教学设计相结合原则

3.1.4 教学实用性原则

3.1.5 交互设计原则

3.2 网站设计的方法

3.3 系统功能模块划分

3.3.1 功能模块图

3.3.2 系统模块介绍

3.4 数据库设计

3.4.1 数据库设计需求分析

3.4.2 系统E-R

3.5 系统模块设计简要介绍

3.5.1 登陆模块

3.5.2 读取模块

3.5.3 添加模块

3.5.4 删除模块

3.5.5 修改模块

3.5.6 搜索模块

3.6 界面设计

3.6.1 首页

3.6.2 教学大纲

3.6.3 学生留言栏

3.6.4 管理员登陆

3.6.5 课程介绍管理

第四章 系统调试与测试

4.1 程序调试

4.2 程序的测试

4.2.1 测试的重要性及目的

4.2.2 测试的步骤

4.2.3 测试的主要内容








本设计的开发是基于B/S结构,采用采用Struts、Ajax技术及SQL Server 2000数据库进行开发。首先对课程网站做了详细的需求分析;然后给出了课程网站所需的功能,重点探讨了课程网站的设计法案;最后对课程网站进行了较详细的设计,并给出了具体实现步骤;通过测试分析,该系统的运行稳定、可靠,具有一定的实用价值。

关键词:课程网站;网站设计;Struts;Ajax; SQL Server 2000


Based on struts and ajax technical J2EE curriculum website design


Is highly developed in the 21st century this information, the high speed circulation time, computer’s popularization as well as computer network’s widespread application, let the average person be able to contact compared to formerly more knowledge. Is big “the detonation” facing information age’s information the phenomenon, how can cause the education to follow the time the step, but as for is not left behind by the time? Many experts have been pondering this question “how does transpose the educational resources to the network comes up, enables more people to be possible to enjoy these resources”. As a take spread knowledge as main function’s organization, the school establishes an own curriculum website is the very essential matter, not only this can cause more people to enjoy the precious education source of information, simultaneously also regarding promotes school own popularity, enhances the student to study independently ability, has the quite big help.

This design’s development is based on the B/S structure, uses Struts, the Ajax technology and SQL the Server 2000 databases carries on the development. First has made the detailed demand analysis to the curriculum website; Then has given the function which the curriculum website needs, has discussed the curriculum website design bill with emphasis; Finally has carried on the detailed design to the curriculum website, and gave has realized the step specifically; Through the test analysis, this system’s movement is stable, is reliable, has certain use value.


Key words: Curriculum website; Website design; Struts;Ajax; SQL Server 2000


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