某公司合同管理系统的设计是基于jsp技术+sqlserver数据库+tomcat服务器的方式设计,以myeclipse为开发工具,并运用Photoshop CS6技术美化网页,辅之以CSS技术。系统是基于面向对象编程的web应用程序。本系统是根据项目的招标和投标等相关的业务流程设计并实现。过去使用传统人工的方式进行招标和投标,这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、保密性差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。如今采用计算机进行信息化数据管理和展示,提高了管理的方便性、安全性等,也适应了当今社会信息化高速发展的特征。
【关键词】 某公司合同管理系统,jsp编程技术,sqlserver数据库
Contract management system design and implementation of a company
——Based on JSP + sqlserver + tomcat
【Abstract】For a long time, because in the contract management manual work, the contract approval process is not clear, there is the contract between the various departments transfer time is long and special problems such as easy to get wrong.Contract management system is aimed at the current contract management business characteristics of the designed a set of management system, the system based on further perfecting the system of enterprise contract management, contract management mechanism, the purpose of the contract information more timely, accurate, and comprehensively, auxiliary enterprise management decision-making, so as to realize the intelligent enterprise contract management, reduce the management cost and improve the internal management level, for enterprise decision-makers in a timely manner to understand the performance of the contract management business layer to provide first-hand information.
Design is a company contract management system based on JSP technology + + tomcat server design, essentially a database with myeclipse as development tools, and use Photoshop CS6 beautify the web technology, supplemented by the CSS technology.System is based on the object-oriented programming web applications.This system is according to the project tendering and bidding and other related business process design and implementation.Used the traditional artificial way of tendering and bidding, this management way has many shortcomings, such as: low efficiency, poor confidentiality, another time a long, will produce a large number of documents and data, to find, update and maintenance have brought a lot of difficulties.Now using the computer to information data management and display, improve the management of convenience, safety, etc., also adapted to the characteristics of the development of social informatization rapid today.
【Key Words】The company contract management system, JSP programming technology, essentially a database