



Abstract: the listed company’s financial fraud problem seriously damage the normal order of the capital market, this paper analyzes the causes of the financial fraud and its harmfulness, and points out that the financial false means and identification method, the above analysis and root the corresponding countermeasures, make the information users interests are really guarantee. With the rapid development of the Chinese securities market, the listed company financial fraud affairs emerge in endlessly, seemingly of Tennessee. This not only damaged the small investors’ vital interests, go against the development of certified public accountants industry, and to our country the healthy development of the securities markets bring serious effects and strengthen of the listed company, the analysis of the financial fraud and puts forward solutions to push forward the healthy development of the securities markets is very necessary and urgent.


Key words: the listed company; Financial fraud; Identification methods; countermeasures





目  录

一、导论. 3

(一)研究背景. 3

(二)文献综述:. 3

(三)国内研究现状:. 3

二、上市公司财务造假的原因及动机分析. 4

(一)我国上市公司财务造假的现状. 4

(二)财务造假产生的原因. 5

三、财务造假手段分析及识别方法. 6

(一)财务造假手段分析. 6

1 关注审计意见. 6

2应收款项及存货的分析. 6

3 企业盈利情况异常. 7

4 资产异常. 7

5 虚构交易,操纵利润. 7

(二)财务造假手段识别方法. 8

四、预防上市公司财务造假对策. 10

(一)完善民事诉讼制度,提高财务造假成本. 10

(二)加强对社会审计机构的监督力度. 11

(三)加大处罚力度. 11

(四)实施会计核算委任制,加强企业内部的异体监督力度. 12

(五)进一步提高会计人员的素质. 12

五、结论. 12

参考文献:. 13

致谢. 14


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