







This article reviews the financial policy and the economic growth of the relationship between literature, from the domestic and foreign research proceed with, elaborated our country region between the different levels of economic development, cause the cause of this difference, and the countermeasures to solve the problem. In the analysis of the regional economic current situation, cause of formation, characteristic and draw lessons from foreign experience, by improving the traditional single financial and natural driving patterns, changes in the financial structure and the means, while in other policy cooperate effect, and in the process of regional economic process measurement and evaluation method. This study can be said to be for our region economy coordinated development policy to provide a train of thought, namely, in governmental financial resources is given below the circumstance, for difference of contractible region economy fiscal policy should be appropriate to the central and Western region.

Keywords: regional economy; fiscal policy; coordination development





摘要……………………………………………………… 1

一、绪论………………………………………………….. 3

(一)研究背景和意义……………………………………….. 3

(二)相关概念阐释…………………………………………. 3

(三)创新观点…………………………………………….. 3

(四)相关文献综述…………………………………………. 3

二、促进区域协调发展的理论和国际经验…………………………. 5

(一)财政政策对区域经济产生作用的理论模型与作用机制…………… 5

(二)税收政策对区域经济产生作用的乘数机制……………………. 5

(三)政府支出投资政策对区域经济产生作用的乘数机制…………….. 6

(四)政府转移支付政策对区域经济产生作用的乘数机制…………….. 6

(五)国际经验借鉴…………………………………………. 7

三、我国区域发展的财政政策现状和问题…………………………. 7

(一)我国区域发展的财政政策现状…………………………….. 9

(二)我国区域发展的财政政策问题……………………………. 11

四、促进我国区域经济协调发展的财政政策选择…………………… 10

(一)调整区域税收优惠政策…………………………………. 11

(二)规范财政转移支付制度………………………………….. 12

(三)充分发挥财政投融资作用……………………………….. 12

(四)实现财政政策与产业政策、区域政策的有机结合……………… 13

结论…………………………………………………….. 15

致谢…………………………………………………….. 15

参考文献…………………………………………………. 16


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