

 目  录

1 引言

2 系统分析

2.1 功能需求分析

2.2 本系统采用的关键技术

2.2.1 ASP.NET运行模式

2.2.2 ASP.NET的工作原理

2.2.3 ASP.NET的技术特点

2.3 ASP.NET进行动态网页设计

2.2.1 ASP.NET内置对象和组件

2.2.2 ASP.NET访问数据库工作原理

2.3 可行性分析

2.4 系统运行环境

3 系统概要设计

3.1 总体功能

3.2 E-R

4 系统详细设计

4.1 后台数据库设计

4.1.1 SQL SERVER 介绍

4.1.2 数据库表结构

4.2 处理流程设计

4.2.1 系统操作流程

4.2.2 数据增加流程

4.2.3 数据修改流程

4.3.4 数据删除流程

4.3 系统模块设计

4.3.1 首页

4.3.2 婚庆资讯

4.3.3 婚庆礼仪

4.3.4 后台管理

5 系统调试与测试

5.1 程序调试

5.2 程序的测试

5.2.1 测试的重要性及目的

5.2.2 测试的步骤

5.2.3 测试的主要内容

6 结论

6.1 系统评价

6.2 安全性问题






摘  要
























The computer is the information processing important tool. Computer system’s application already penetrated into society’s various trades and occupations even family. Especially the computer network technology’s swift development, the promotion computer application system resource sharing, distribution processing and corresponds mutually function realization. Will enter the information network time gradually along with the human society, computer network’s application will certainly to enter everyone. It is changing people’s working and the life style, is further causing in the worldwide scale the industrial structure change, promotes the whole world information industries development, and is playing more and more vital role in each domain. the games management system management system is precisely this time product. Its collection registration management, the competition manage in a body, realizes the games to manage, the intellectualization independently, achieves the enhancement managerial effectiveness and the quality, satisfies the different level school the various requirement, saves the human resources the goal. this system uses SQLSERVER2000 is the backstage database, the ASP.NET technology realizes the dynamic homepage manufacture, guaranteed that the system safety security, easy to maintain. the this system’s main purpose raises the efficiency which the games manages; Realizes the entire games’s centralized management. this system’s another important characteristic is the contact surface friendly, the simplify operation, has the very good visualization effect. this system uses the ADO data bank technology. Therefore may visit the database directly, no longer needs the WEB database the involvement; The user access control may solve by the database server local safety mechanism, enhances the security; At the same time, may realize conveniently with the user interactive function.

Key words: Track and field games management system; System design; ASP.NET


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