007asp.net 办公电子文档归档系统 演示录像

  摘  要



有鉴于简单操作和界面的可视化的优势。并借助于网络的优势。本系统采用Asp.Net语言,后端采用的是SQL Server 2000 数据库来完成办公电子文档归档系统的设计与实现,通过数据操作模块能对本系统的相关信息进行各种操作,界面直观简洁。


   关键字:Asp.Net;SQL Server 2000 数据库;办公电子文档归档系统









Projects Ministry of electronic documents document management problems in the past, such as: electronic document document naming ambiguity, mobility mutual transfer of electronic documents is unclear, the coexistence of multiple versions of the same file, the storage location of the final electronic version unclear, the establishment of electronicdocument version of the software with high and low, resulting in the original electronic version of the file, fail to locate and other reasons, our work has brought considerable repetitive, inconsistent, and increase our daily workload. With the past experience, the establishment of electronic documents in accordance with the actual situation of the project, improve the storage and electronic document preservation of the archives of the whole process management, regular checks by the departments in charge of coordination, each designated by the department responsible for personnel, to ensure that the electronic document management the continuity of work. Regularly organize relevant personnel to check the electronic documents are complete, and further improve the electronic file, organize, archive.

Office electronic document filing system contains the following modules: system, user management, file classification management, document management, staff, document management, document retrieval, filing, operation log management and ordinary workers upload document management.

In view of the advantages of simple operation and interface visualization. With the advantage of the network. The system uses the the the Asp.Net language, the back-end is SQL Server 2000 database to complete the design of office electronic document filing system, information on the system to perform various operations through data manipulation module, the interface is intuitive and simple.

Keywords: Asp.Net; Sql Server 2000 database; Office electronic document filing system






目    录


  第1章  绪论 5

1.1 选题的依据及意义 5

1.2 可行性分析 5

1.3 课题研究的内容 6

第2章  相关技术与开发工具 8

2.1  Asp.NET简介 8

2.2 Asp.NET的安全性 10

2.3  SQLserver 2000简介 10

2.4 T-SQL语言介绍

2.5 系统环境介绍

第3章  系统需求分析


3.2 后台整体功能模块分析

第四章 系统数据库设计

4.1  数据库介绍

4.2  数据库设计概述

4.3   概念结构设计

4.4 逻辑结构设计

4.5  物理设计 19

4.6  数据库的实施 19

4.7 数据库的运行及维护 20

第5章  系统的设计与实现 20

5.1 系统后台设计要达到的目标 20

5.2 系统总体设计分析

5.3  系统详细功能模块的设计与实现

5.3.1 用户登录

5.3.2系统用户管理 24

5.3.3 文件分类管理 25

5.3.4 上传文件 28

5.3.5 文件管理、检索 30

5.3.6 职工文件管理、检索 1

5.3.7 文件归档 3

5.3.8 数据库备份 3

5.3.9 操作日志管理 3

5.4 系统测试 4

第6章  结论与展望 5

6.1  结论

  第7 章 致谢 6

    第8章  参考文献 37


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