目        录


1    引言………………………………………………………. 1

2    天津地域性旅游纪念品开发的现状分析……………………………. 1

2.1  天津地域性旅游纪念品开发的概述……………………………….. 2

2.2  市场初具规模……………………………………………….. 3

2.3  销售自成体系……………………………………………….. 4

2.4  形成旅游活动热点……………………………………………. 5

3    天津地域性旅游纪念品开发中出现的问题及原因分析…………………. 6

3.1  天津地域性旅游纪念品开发中出现的问题………………………….. 6

3.2  问题产生的主要原因分析………………………………………. 9

4    天津地域性旅游纪念品开发的对策………………………………. 10

4.1  建立旅游商品工作的管理和协调体制…………………………….. 10

4.2  抓好旅游商品的规划工作……………………………………… 10

4.3  加强专业人才培养…………………………………………… 10

4.4  挖掘民间地方特色…………………………………………… 11

4.5  推行标准认定,规范旅游纪念品开发…………………………….. 11

5    结论……………………………………………………… 11

参 考 文 献……………………………………………………. 13

致  谢………………………………………………………… 14




摘    要




关键词: 天津;旅游纪念品;可持续开发




Along with the development of modern tourism industry, tourism souvenirs market development are global booming rise. Activities and the combination of tourism souvenirs market as the future of one of the main development direction. Compared with the traditional tourism, tourist souvenirs market more abundant resources, management means more reasonable. Tourism souvenirs marketing has changed the traditional tourism management way, it reduces sales link, and reduces the production cost, improve work efficiency, to provide our customers with the lower, more high quality product service.

Tourism souvenirs are spread tourist image, tourism as an important carrier of the process, is the development of tourism industry depth and breadth of the sign, is the most potential tourism new growth point. A few in the use of souvenirs market development go in front of the tourism enterprise, due to the macro environment is not mature limit, the market development function also mostly stay in lower stage, still cannot reach the real tourism activities the whole deal, souvenirs and tourism realize effective docking being difficult. How to use souvenirs for the development of the market to promote the development of the tourism industry has become worthy of our attention topic, also is the I choose the subject the original intention.


Keywords: Tianjin; tourism souvenir; development;


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