摘    要













Recent years, video surveillance because of its intuitive, convenient, fast, in all walks of life are widely used, especially in residential security, financial scene, traffic control and national defense security, has become the main areas of infiltration by video surveillance . Substation as one of the important hub in the grid system, the use of video surveillance to strengthen the security of the substation premises and equipment. Moreover, with the continuous development of Internet technology, computer network-based video surveillance to become one of monitoring the most common and most advanced application monitoring in most of the substation operation is automated. However, monitoring of the current monitoring of the substation premises and large equipment is lacking, this video monitor or traditional wired local area network based on the basis of, this approach requires complex wiring, and careful deployment to complete the wired LAN limitations restrict the development of the substation video surveillance, showing the scope of monitoring, low transmission performance, poor mobility shortcomings, simply can not meet the increasingly severe power security situation. Substation video surveillance of the premises, there is an urgent need to be refined to achieve a timely, flexible and convenient monitoring of the characteristics of successful completion of the protection of the monitoring task.

The main work of this paper is to study, design and implement a video surveillance system based on wireless mesh networks, the main contents include:

1) The basic theory of wireless mesh networks have been studied, including concept, composition and basic structure of the wireless mesh network, as well as wireless mesh network technology and superiority.

2) the realization of the feasibility analysis and demand analysis based on wireless mesh substation video surveillance system, respectively, from the technical, operational, economic and security terms of feasibility analysis, from both the functional requirements, performance requirements and security needs in-depth discussions

3) the overall architecture of the wireless mesh substation video surveillance system were clear, the design of the system functional modules, and systems to achieve the required business processes, database, security and other aspects of comprehensive design

4) on the basis of a comprehensive design, system implementation, including configuration of the wireless mesh network, video capture and control modules and monitor deployment of the module to achieve, and to complete the system to expand the test, the test results can meet the needs of the substation video surveillance.


Keywords: video surveillance; wireless mesh network; database; substation




目 录

摘    要. 3


目 录. 6

1 引 言. 7

1.1  研究背景与意义. 7

1.2 国内外发展现状. 8

1.2.1 国外发展现状. 8

1.2.2 国内发展现状. 9

1.3 论文的组织结构. 11

1.4 本章小结. 11

2 相关理论. 12

2.1 无线网状网基本理论. 12

2.1.1 无线网状网的概念. 12

2.1.2 无线网状网的组成与基本结构. 13

2.2 无线网状网关键技术. 15

2.2.1 无线网状网路由器传输技术. 15

2.2.2 媒体访问控制接入技术. 16

2.2.3 无线IP接入点的路由技术. 17

2.3 无线网状网的优越性. 18

2.4 VC++ 6.0基础. 18

2.5 MSSQL Server 数据库引擎技术. 19

2.5.1 MSSQL Server数据库引擎技术特点. 20

2.5.2 MSSQL Server数据库安全技术. 20

2.6 本章小结. 21

3 变电站视频监控系统的需求分析. 22

3.1性能需求. 22

3.2 功能需求. 23

3.2.1 功能模块组成. 23

3.2.2 系统功能用例图. 25

3.2.3 系统所需开发环境. 27

4 变电站视频监控系统的设计. 28

4.1系统总体设计. 28

4.1.1 系统设计原则. 28

4.1.2 系统架构. 29

4.2系统详细设计. 30

4.2.1 系统业务流程设计. 30

4.2.2 系统数据库设计. 33

4.2.3 系统安全性设计. 36

4.3 所需环境设计. 37

4.3.1 硬件环境. 37

4.3.2 软件环境. 38

4.4 本章小结. 39

5 变电站视频监控系统的实现. 40

5.1 无线网状网配置. 40

5.2 监控部署模块的实现. 41

5.3 视频采集传输及监控模块的实现. 42

5.3.1 视频采集及监控的基本过程. 43

5.3.2视频传输过程的特殊技术. 44

5.3.3 多路监控的实现. 45

5.4 移动监控功能的实现. 47

5.5 视频主机性能监控功能的实现. 49

5.6 本章小结. 51

6 系统测试. 52

6.1 测试环境的建立. 52

6.2 测试过程. 52

6.2.1 功能测试. 52

6.2.2 兼容测试. 54

6.2.3 数据库安全测试. 54

6.3 本章小结. 55

7 结论与展望. 56

7.1 结论. 56

7.2 展望. 56

参考文献. 58

致 谢. 60


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