目 录

摘  要—————————————————————–


第1章  绪论

1.1 国外、国内研究概况———————————————-1

1.2 市场需求预测—————————————————-1

1.3 模态分析——————————————————–3

1.4 设计的重点与难点————————————————4

第2章  壳的基本参数确定

2.1 后桥的结构特点及工作原理—————————————-6

2.2 选择桥壳方案设计————————————————7

第3章  具体设计计算

3.1 桥壳的静弯曲应力计算——————————————–11

3.2 在不平路面冲击载荷作用下的桥壳计算——————————12

3.3 最大牵引力行驶时的桥壳计算————————————–12

3.4 制动时的桥壳强度计算——————————————–15


第4章  进行整体的力学分析

4.1 基于por/e三维模型分析——————————————24

4.2 基于mchanicica受力分析—————————————–25

4.2.1 挖掘机静止垂直载荷工况————————————–26

4.2.2 挖掘机在不平路面冲击载荷作用下的工况————————28

4.2.3 挖掘机在最大牵引力行驶时的工况——————————30

4.2.4 挖掘机紧急制动时的工况————————————–32

4.2.5 挖掘机受最大侧向力时的工况———————————-34

第5章  优化设计——————————————————–37

第6章  结论与展望——————————————————47  

致 谢——————————————————————-48












The excavator is  widely used for highway, railway, constructions, water and electricity, ports, mining and other engineering construction machinery. Because of high working speed, high efficiency and convenient operation ofthe excavator,therefore it becomes one of the main engineering machinery which are used for construction  conditions.The drive axle is an important part of the is excavator,and it is responsible for the power output.As a key component of the wheel excavators’ chassis transmission system,the drive axle is at the end of the drive system, and it transmits bigger torque.Their performance has a direct influence on the performance of the work.

The function of the drive axle is to change the direction of the axis of rotation torque through the main drive, and transmits the torque on the longitudinal buy engine to both sides of the drive wheels. Through the main transmission,the bevel gear change the direction of the force.Through the main transmission and final drive to the gearbox,the output shaft’s speed will be

reduced,and the torque will be increased.With the differential problem being solved, the tire wear and resistance will be reduced and help to veer. In addition,the driving axle shell can bear the weight and transmit the force.The quality of the rear axle shell has a great influence on the safety of the complete vehicle bridge and the performance of the vehicle,therefore it is very necessary to make effective optimized design calculation and finite element analysis for for the driving axle. This paper mainly deals with the stress and steady-state analysis,modal analysis and instability analysis, etc.


Keywords: excavator, driving axle after, rear axle shell bridge, and the finite element analysis


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