摘  要





关键词  毕业论文;模具设计;复合模;正反拉深 






Develops unceasingly along with the Chinese industry, the mold profession also appears more and more importantly. The present paper then is designs the processing air filter shell the mold. First has carried on the processing craft and the structure craft analysis to the processing components. Proposed through the computation semifinished materials size and the drawing coefficient four kind of plans, finally determined uses falls the material, the pro and con drawing superposable die. Has made the reasonable arrangement to the mold platoon type, enables the material use factor to achieve the high level. Has calculated each ramming craft strength which in the ramming process needs, including falls nearby the material strength, the ex-denning strength, the pressure the strength, the drawing strength, the top material strength and so on, and has carried on the reasonable tonnage primary election to the press. The superposable die has used the true thing form in the structure, calculated fell the material, the drawing and the counter- drawing effective range size. Closed has carried on the reasonable determination highly to the mold, but also designs the mold the major parts to fall the material concave mold, the convex-concave mold, the counter- drawing raised mold, the counter- drawing concave mold, the concave mold dead plate and so on. Listed the mold to need the components the detailed detailed list, and has produced the reasonable assembly drawing. Because the drawing depth is big, also carried on the power to the press electrical machinery to examine and to propose the lubrication attachment working procedure, could cause the drawing smoothly to complete. Finally led the wrap to mold major parts to carry on the simple processing craft route formulation. This design regarding uses the single acting press to carry on the pro and con drawing to have the certain reference function.


Key words  graduation thesis; mold design; superposable die; pro and con drawing


目  录


1  分析零件的工艺性

2  确定工艺方案

2.1  计算毛坯尺寸

2.2  计算拉深次数

2.2.1  正拉深

2.2.2  反拉深

2.3  确定工艺方案

3  主要工艺参数的计算

3.1  确定排样、裁板方案

3.2  确定各中间工序尺寸

3.3  计算工艺力、初选设备

3.3.1  落料、正拉深过程

(1) 落料力

(2) 卸料力

(3) 拉深力

(4) 压边力

3.3.2  反拉深过程

(1) 反拉深力

(2) 顶料力

3.3.3  拉深功的计算

3.3.4  初选压力机

4  模具的结构设计

4.1  模具结构形式的选择

4.2  模具工作部分尺寸计算

4.2.1  落料

4.2.2  正拉深

4.2.3  反拉深

5  选用模架、确定闭合高度

5.1  模架的选用

5.2  模具的闭合高度

5.3  压力中心

6  模具的主要零部件结构设计

6.1  落料凹模

6.2  凸凹模

6.3  反拉深凸模

6.4  反拉深凹模

6.6  上垫板

6.7  凹模固定板

7  模具的整体安装

7.1  模具的总装配

7.2  模具零件

8  选定冲压设备

8.1  压力机的规格

8.2  电动机功率的校核

9  附加工序

10  主要零件的加工

11  总结




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