





Abstract : In the past three decades , China’s overall strength has improved tremendously , economic strength in the international top row, people’s living standards improved dramatically , but the financial industry as the core of the national economy, reform its institutions and Like other sectors in the development of the socialist market economy fit have achieved very good results . It can be seen that the reform of the financial sector are lagging behind in many areas of reform in other sectors , such as social , economic and other aspects of the economy , the reform of China’s commercial banking sector is still the road hard , both organizational structure and operating mechanism or behavior , China’s commercial banks and commercial banks in the real world with a very large gap. In China’s banking system faces many problems , the most prominent problem is the long-term high -performing assets of banks . Anhui Merchants Bank as the only city commercial banks , has made a very significant problem in the development process in a few years , but in the process of development is also facing negative phenomena assets. This paper for the analysis of non-performing assets problem Merchants Bank , Merchants Bank explained the reasons for non-performing assets to generate and characteristics , and proposed countermeasures to solve this problem effectively .

Keywords : Merchants Bank providers, non-performing assets , asset management companies, the status quo , countermeasures




  1. 引言
  2. 徽商银行不良资产的现状
  3. 徽商银行不良资产成因分析
  4. 徽商银行不良资产一般理论分析5徽商银行不良资产产生的原因
    1. 徽商银行不良资产的危害
    2. 化解不良资产的模式8.徽商银行处置不良资产的对策研究


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