摘  要




关键词  数控技术;立式铣床;设计





The numerical control engine bed is the digital process control engine bed, is one kind of automated engine bed, the numerical control technology is the core which the numerical control engine bed studies, is the manufacturing industry realization  automation, the network, the flexibility, the integrated foundation. Along with the manufacture technology development, the modern numerical control engine bed with the aid of the modern design technology, the working procedure intensification and the new function part caused the engine bed the processing scope, the dynamic  performance, the processing precision and the reliability had the enormous  enhancement .

This article mainly carries on the design to the XK5040 numerical control vertical milling machine and the control system, first analyzes the vertical milling machine the processing characteristic and the processing request determines its host parameter, including movement and dynamic parameter; Carry on the host kinematic scheme according to the host parameter and the design request, enters for the system and the control system hardware circuit design. Mainly carries on the host kinematic scheme and enters for the system mechanism design and the ball bearing guide screw and electric stepping motor shaping and the examination; Regarding control system because here mainly aims at the economy numerical control milling machine the design, here uses electric stepping motor open-loop control, the computer system uses the high performance price compared to the MCS-51 series monolithic expansion system, mainly carries on the central processing element the choice, the memory expansion and the connection circuit design .


Key words  Numerical control technology; Vertical milling machine; Design


目  录




第一章  总体设计 2

1.1、铣床简介 2

1.2、XK5040型数控铣床的主要技术参数及总传动图 3

1.2.1  XK5040型数控铣床的主要技术参数 3

1.2.2  总传动系统图 4

第二章 主运动系统设计 6

2.1 传动系统设计 6

2.1.1参数的拟定 6

2.1.2 传动结构或结构网的选择 6

2.1.3 转速图拟定 8


.2 传动件的估算与验算

2.2.1传动轴的估算和验算 15


. 展开图设计


..2 齿轮块的设计

..3 传动轴设计

..4 主轴组件设计

. 制动器设计

..1 按扭矩选择

.  截面图设计

.. 轴的空间布置

..2 操纵机构

..3 润滑

..4箱体设计的确有关问题 40

第三章 进给系统设计

. 总体方案设计




. 进给伺服系统机械部分设计



..3齿轮传动比计算 55

..4 步进电机的计算和选型 57

..5 进给伺服系统机械部分结构设计

参考文献 70




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