摘要: 随着城市建设规模的不断扩大和人们生活水平的不断提高,生活垃圾的运输与处理已成为人们不可忽视的卫生问题。高效的垃圾压缩运输是一种很好的解决方式,后压缩式垃圾车便是其中的一种常见结构形式。







The design of body in the garbage truck of rear loader compactor ——- YD5120SYZ

Abstract: With the continued expansion of the scale of urban construction and people’s living conditions continue to improve, it can’t be neglected that transporting and dealing with the living garbage become health problems. Efficient transport of compressed garbage is a good solution, which the garbage truck of rear loader compactor is a common structural form.

This design topic is from Jiangsu Yueda Special Vehicles Co.,Ltd. According to the total design requirements, it is mainly aims at the garbage truck compartment and vehicle discharge mechanism design. The compartment is one of the important parts mainly for the loading, transportation trash. In the transport process, bad structure is easy to result in secondary pollution. According to the design requirements, the compartment’s shape and the main size are designed. However main focus into its undergo. The discharge mechanism is mainly used to provide the certain backpressure which compresses the garbage density evenly. In the design process, the hydraulic tank external load is first calculated. Then the main hydraulic tank parameters are calculated. Thus the following parameters are defined.

Through the design, the new style garbage truck of rear loader compactor greatly reduces the labor intensity of the workers, effectively solve many problems, such as floating, spilling and leaking in the course of garbage transportation, which improves transport efficiency and reduces the cost of transportation. Thus the design can meet the environmental requirements and the design requirements.


 Key words: garbage truck; modified cars; upload; compression type; CAD


目    录

1 前言

2 总体方案论证

2.1 本课题基本前提条件和技术要求

2.2 结构方案确定

3 垃圾车厢体设计

3.1 合理选择卸料方式

3.2 确定厢体设计方案

3.3 垃圾车厢体成形工艺

4 压缩式垃圾车排出油缸安装角及排出板斜度取值

4.1 排出板的结构及工作情况

4.2 排出机构的受力分析

4.3 取值范围的探讨

5 液压系统设计

5.1 确定液压系统方案

5.2 液压缸的设计计算

5.3 油箱设计

5.4 液压泵装置

5.5 辅助元件的选用

6 结论





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