




关键词 蚕豆脱壳机  皮带传动  反复脱壳


Broad bean shelling machine


Vicia huller is the fruit throw away outer shell but get shelled Vicia of field top homework machine. Because the physiology characteristics of Vicia comes to a decision Vicia to take off hull and can’t be together carry on uniting homework with the in the field results of Vicia, but can then can carry on taking off hull after the Vicia the contain of the fruit water rate decline to certain degree. Because the Vicia plants a continuously develop of the industry, Vicia handicraft’s taking off hull has already can’t satisfy to efficiently produce of request, practice to turn of the utmost urgency.

Pare off a plank type Vicia to deny a normal operation to the hull function, what to see is it the design of main parts, if design not reasonable, the machine can’t normally revolve perhaps say that can’t revolve, so the production come out of this set machine is a heap of fee article. Design reasonable, machine ability normal of operation to also carry on shelling hull to the Vicia fruit. Pare off a plank type Vicia to the design of the main parts of hull machine in the whole design process seem to be is importance, reasonable of the design will provide more to the user of convenience and real benefit.

Keyword   Vicia huller  Belt transmission  Repeatedly shell



1 引言 1

1.1 提出课题的背景 1

1.2 蚕豆脱壳机的发展现状 1

1.3 项目研究的目的和意义 2

1.4 主要设计内容和关键技术问题 2

1.5 研究方法与技术路线 3

2 技术任务书(JR 4

2.1产品设计的依据 4

2.2 产品的用途及使用范围 8

2.3主要技术参数和性能指标 8

2.4主要工作原理 8

2.5总体结构概述 9

3 设计计算说明书(SM 10

3.1设计前各项参数的确定 10

3.2 V带传动 13

3.3 16

3.4 刮板结构 18

3.5栅笼 19

3.6 箱体 20

3.7 壳仁分离装置 20

3.8机架 20

3.9附件 20

4使用说明 21

4.1 使用前的准备 21

4.2工作中的管理 21

4.3维护与保养 22

4.4机械安全操作规程 22

5 标准化审查报告(BS 23

5.1产品图样的审查 23

5.2产品技术文件的审查 23

5.3标准件的使用情况 23

5.4审查结论 24

6 总结 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26




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